Example sentences of "do this [conj] [pron] [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Another method is to give the baby a small amount of boiled water from a bottle before the morning feed , so that it feels full more quickly , or to feed from one breast only — this will tend to reduce your supply of milk overall , so you should only do this if you know your milk is plentiful .
2 It can only do this if it implements its plans and policies flexibly , rather than according to formalized rules .
3 Of course , they may not accept the beliefs , attitudes , or intentions that are expressed ; one can always object to what somebody else says , but it does not make much sense to do this unless one understands its meaning .
4 I have always wanted to do this as I love my hair and can do a lot with it .
5 You can happily go on doing this until you reach your target weight .
6 Morgan and Georg Siemens did this when they established their banking ventures .
7 I used to think she did this because she loved my father so much she could n't wait for him to come home .
8 ( They also do this when they bring their owners dead birds from the garden , an action normally done only as part of the food-training routine when mother cats show their kittens the kind of prey they must later attack . )
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