Example sentences of "do not [verb] [pron] [adv] for " in BNC.

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1 Ranulf was full of himself , rather peeved that his master did not thank him properly for his rescue , making sly references to his own archery .
2 The Government 's present position is one of scepticism about the value of a ban on tobacco advertising , but Secretary of State William Waldegrave has said ‘ I do not rule it out for ever , certainly : but it is just not the highest priority at the moment …
3 Just remember next year , you do not put me in for
4 I could tell he was keen from the fact that he did n't mention it again for a couple of years .
5 Well she she used to drink tea when she if I ever well I did n't invite her in for a coffee do , well I did n't to begin with did I ?
6 ‘ They caught this guy in Chicago customs , found AZT in the luggage of this PWA , and threw him in the pen and did n't let him out for a week . ’
7 MAURICE : ( from a distance ) : I hope you did n't buy them just for me .
8 Besides even if they did n't win it again for the next two million years we 'd never hear the end of it .
9 If it 's photocopied Paul , she did n't write it down for each one of you did she ?
10 She did n't see him again for four days .
11 He did n't see her again for quite a while .
12 But but do n't give it away for nothing .
13 ‘ I do n't want you late for school on your first day back . ’
14 Do n't throw it away for anyone — you may never get a second chance . ’
15 You do n't get anything back for them do
16 Do n't I mean do n't , do n't buy it just for this it 's just that if you had it handy
17 Do n't have it just for the thing that 's free inside .
18 What are saying do n't say anything about for ?
19 Property : Do n't let yourself in for trouble Choosing the right agent is essential if you want to rent your property .
20 Treat the family and serve it with your favourite meats and salads — do n't save it just for the turkey !
21 She do n't put him down for a minute , oh he feels insecure and he 's left his mummy and goes love his granny and come on your granny , I think oh carry on !
22 Perhaps student life does not prepare anyone adequately for the daily slog of an ordinary job , and after two or three attempts to settle into a career in sales management and even in personnel , she had taken off for America .
23 she does n't bring it in for you .
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