Example sentences of "at which it was [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 A meeting of the workers was called in the locker room by the shop steward at which it was decided that no one would return to the contaminated area .
2 Green Realignment , a splinter group from the British Green Party , has held its inaugural conference , at which it was decided that the group would aim to steer a middle course between acting as a political party and as a pressure group .
3 The occasion of this denunciation was the annual meeting in Venice this October of the twenty international private societies for the safeguarding of the city , at which it was announced that they , on the other hand , had spent £750,000 of privately raised money .
4 In December the State Council held a national planning conference at which it was announced that there would be no change in the rural household contract system , the enterprise contract system , the factory director responsibility system , the development of the private and collective sectors , local government financial autonomy , or special policies for Special Economic Zones and coastal regions .
5 Provision is made for the election of members of a new divisional board , either at the meeting at which it was determined that a new division should be established or at the first meeting thereafter .
6 Provision is made for the election of members of a new divisional board , either at the meeting at which it was determined that a new division should be established or at the first meeting thereafter .
7 The report 's publication followed a conference at which it was estimated that older people were then spending upwards of £14 billion a year in the marketplace .
8 At about that time , a meeting allegedly took place between Nicholson , Hofmann and another of Hofmann 's associates , Henry Medlock , at which it was suggested that arsenic acid should be tried as an oxidising agent .
9 Under pressure from Oakley and from French officials , Gen. Aydid and Mahdi Mohammed , his main rival for power in four years of civil war , held peace talks on Dec. 11 at which it was reported that they agreed to cease fighting and withdraw their weapons from Mogadishu .
10 The convictions followed a four-month trial at which it was alleged that Sir Terence had taken bribes whilst in office in return for protecting illegal activities such as prostitution and gambling .
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