Example sentences of "at which the [noun sg] of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Bush 's remarks followed talks last week in The Hague between the State Department 's legal adviser , Mr Abraham Sofaer , and Iranian officials , at which the return of funds was agreed .
2 Any figure at which the assessor of damages arrives can not be other than artificial and , if the aim is that justice meted out to all litigants should be even-handed instead of depending on idiosyncracies of the assessor , whether jury or judge , the figure must be " basically a conventional figure derived from experience and from awards in comparable cases " .
3 Customs and Excise ( London ) HM Customs & Excise library dates from 1671 , the time at which the Board of Customs was founded .
4 A confident graduation ceremony at which the Chairman of Governors spoke optimistically took place in February 1979 , and at its meeting in May 1979 the Council received a report of a preliminary visit by a small group of members and officers the previous month to the Polytechnic .
5 ( 6 ) Subject as mentioned below , the tender may be at a fixed price ( tenders in excess of the number of shares sought being scaled down pro rata ) , or a maximum price ( if the offer is over-subscribed , the striking price will be the lowest price at which the number of shares sought is met , with everyone tendering at or below the striking price receiving that price and if the offer is over-subscribed at the striking price acceptances will be scaled down pro rata or balloted ) .
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