Example sentences of "at the [adj] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Look at the self-satisfied smirk on the man 's face .
2 She had thought the quantities of gilt ( never did she credit that it might be real gold ) an evidence of shocking vulgarity , had sneered at the bad taste of the ornate picture frames , at the ridiculous excesses of the pictures themselves , and had felt a solid , suburban scorn for the frayed and patched tapestry chair seats and the faded hangings : she had wondered why , if so rich , they did not throw out their tatty Persian coverings , and buy themselves a good bit of fitted Wilton or Axminster in a good plain colour .
3 Each golfer can stay at the former home of the Domecq family , one of Spain 's famous sherry dynasties , for seven nights in January for £319 , inclusive of flights and breakfast .
4 The occasion was the launch of the Glasgow Central profit plan by branch manager , George Houston at the service meeting held at the former home of the Maxwell family [ not Robert 's relations ] at Pollock House .
5 But I would say that we should obviously look at the financial aspect of the review erm dates , which might be yearly .
6 If you w u unfortunately we did n't look at the financial commentary as the first item .
7 The growth of EP has had a marked influence at the low end of the publishing business .
8 At the low end of the market there are small , single user systems that replace your trusty filing cabinet , like Canon 's Canofile 250 from £13,000 .
9 The figure of 22.8% of claims at the low rate in the sample is higher than the rate for Berkshire as a whole ( 14.8% ) in the same period because the largest practice in the sample used a deputy for 53% of its night visits .
10 At the higher values of the Richardson number , the turbulence may be thought of as random superposition of internal waves ( Section 15.4 ) .
11 If all incomes rise by the same percentage amount , then those at the lower end of the income scale will , of course , receive a lower extra sum of money compared to those at the higher end of the income scale .
12 Overall , however , there were few signs of any sales at the higher end of the price range .
13 Privately , however , reaction at the higher end of the trade is positive , with the feeling that potential purchasers will turn back to the dealers for better service at more or less comparable prices .
14 The outcome has been the imposition of more sentences at the higher end of the punishment tariff over and above the changes in the volume of crime .
15 Luckily I lived at the higher end of the village so my house was not affected .
16 However , in a high risk situation , for instance involving industrial property or property at the higher end of the market , a disclaimer might be reasonable .
17 The judge did not regard the case as one at the higher end of the culpable homicide scale but a human life had been taken and he jailed Sutherland for five years .
18 It was used in a similar way by the newly literate or semi-literate Bolsheviks at the higher levels of the Smolensk and Kursk guberniia party organizations , as can be seen from even a cursory reading of their minutes .
19 The groups at the higher points on the diagram — that is , those with higher median levels of RNR — consist of households in which the elderly live with younger people and it is one or more of the younger members who own or rent the home .
20 Indeed all look at the recent decision by the and Allied Trade Union to the members who have amalgamated themselves Transport and General Workers .
21 At the recent launch of the Feedback procedure initiated by the group , we expressed the need for more members representing the community .
22 Like at the recent fête on the fifteenth of August , when rockets dashed upwards from the dark field outside the village and the Virgin ascended to heaven as a shower of fiery red sparks .
23 Councillor Collinson is the owner of the local post office and general stores and it was agreed at the recent meeting of the Parish Council that this would be a good way of ensuring that the information pack was readily accessible by anyone wishing to consult it .
24 At the recent meeting of the International Whaling Commission ( IWC ) , Norway announced its intention to resume commercial whaling , in apparent contravention of IWC rules .
25 But they feel torn between their loathing for General Noriega 's drug-based regime , and their alarm at the cavalier flouting of the OAS principle of non-intervention .
26 Looking from the sitting room window at the shaggy mass of the copse , she thought again of Ron , and , on an impulse , opened the french windows and walked across the garden to the gap that marked Edward 's comings and goings .
27 The meetings and discussions in Washington were part of a week-long visit to North America by Gorbachev , who visited Canada on May 29-30 , and the US cities of Minneapolis on June 3 and San Francisco on June 4 ( when he also met President Roh Tae Woo of South Korea , in the first contact at the highest level between the two countries ) .
28 On external relations , the European Council welcomed " the results of the United National Conference on Environment and Development ( UNCED ) held in Rio de Janeiro from June 3 to June 14 , 1992 [ see p. 38947 ] , and in particular the acceptance by the international community at the highest level of the aim of sustainable development worldwide . "
29 ‘ We have now proved that we can match anyone at the highest level of the sport .
30 After knowing only life at the highest level of the game , McGrain is full of admiration for the players Arbroath have assembled from Tayside , Edinburgh and Glasgow who combine playing , training and travelling long distances with everyday jobs .
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