Example sentences of "they [am/are] [not/n't] [adj] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 They are n't worthy of the silent spiritual gesture made by that italicized ‘ just so' .
2 It is true that , by contrast with those that constitute ‘ imaginary things ’ , the ideas that constitute ‘ real things ’ are , for Berkeley , independent of the human mind : they are not subject to the voluntary control of the mind that perceives them .
3 It does so through the authority it exercises over government officials , and because the population at large is willing to see morality enforced , even in matters in which they are not subject to the authority of the government .
4 Second , dealings with or for other members of the firm 's group will normally be subject to SFA 's transaction reporting requirements , even if they are not investment business ( because of the group exemptions in para 18 of Sched 1 ) and even though they are not subject to the general COB Rules ; certain compliance rules , for example those relating to personal account dealings , will also normally apply in relation to them .
5 Certain moral considerations are involved in his actions , yet they are not absolute in the sense that they are an infallible guide to conduct , or constitute a rule for which there can be no exception .
6 Although they are not involved in the formal festivities it is known the Duke of York and the Queen wanted them nearby so they could enjoy seeing the children .
7 The other top editorial people have a better news sense but they are not immune to the old-money patina : all have centrist views with a pro-establishment tinge .
8 They are not dissatisfied with the job content because they did not expect the job to be intrinsically rewarding .
9 Moreover , they are not representative of the culture of early Merovingian Gaul .
10 After a round of drinks ( one beer and three fashionable gin and tonics for 25 dollars ) the girls decide they are not impressed by the striptease .
11 They are not reliant on the approval of others , and anchor their supports deeply within themselves as well as externally .
12 These account for around a fifth of live births in this group of handicaps , but due to the limited life-expectancy , they are not present in the community .
13 They are not far from the south celestial pole , and they never rise over any part of Europe or the United States , but they are among the most familiar objects of the night sky to Australians , South Africans and New Zealanders .
14 The library and its catalogue do not warrant high priority rating simply because they are not central to the day-to-day survival of the non user " .
15 But although they work well in the older types of glider , they are not practical with the modern machines which have a very docile stall and which will not drop a wing at the stall without gross over-ruddering .
16 ‘ THE OTAKU ARE AN underground , but they are not opposed to the system per se , ’ says sociologist and University of Tokyo fellow Volker Grassmuck , who has studied the otaku extensively .
17 His point is that although ‘ rules of grammar ’ are arbitrary in the sense that it is a mistake to look for a justification of a language game ( 331 ) , they are not arbitrary in the sense that ‘ our language game only works , of course , when a certain agreement prevails ’ ( 430 ) .
18 Mr Blunkett said : ‘ I do n't blame them for that , but if they are not accountable to us and they are not accountable to the Secretary of State , who the hell do they think they are accountable to ? ’
19 The accurate detection range of these methods is no more than 0.05 per cent , so they are not suitable for the determination of the trace elements of a coin 's alloy .
20 They are not available for the purposes of the subsection ( 2 ) restitutionary remedy .
21 I have been told they are not compatible with the V8 engine .
22 As my right hon. Friend the Chancellor said , the latest reports of the Institute of Directors and the CBI show that they are not pessimistic about the economy .
23 But they are not interested in the reasons for it , in the sort of alienation which Asian women feel at these groups .
24 They are not interested in the helping the kids enjoy themselves .
25 They are not interested in the rave culture , they are not interested in the damage they do to the people who swallow their pills .
26 ‘ They are not interested in the rave culture , they are not interested in the damage they do to the people who swallow their pills .
27 Otherwise candidates which are acceptable may be rejected because they do not occur in the source , and alternatives which are not acceptable may be accepted because they appear in the source and provide a good fit , even though they are not characteristic of the material being processed .
28 In whatever format you keep them , the notes you make need to be clear ; if they are not self-explanatory at the time you write them , they are unlikely to be intelligible later , when your memory of working on the particular book or topic has faded .
29 But they are not afraid of the Russians any more .
30 That they are not afraid of the sun
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