Example sentences of "they [was/were] [noun] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 One of the attackers was captured and one escaped ; the Interior Ministry said they were members of the Turkish Hezbollah organization .
2 Rabbiting on as if — as if they were friends at the very least …
3 They were stars of the hard left , but we have heard little about them during the election struggle .
4 By now they were part of the endless stream of traffic speeding towards west London .
5 On the one hand , they were part of the public sector , in that they were administered under DES teacher-training regulations but not under further education regulations and two-thirds of them were under local authority control , the rest being denominational colleges .
6 William Belshaw , and Roy Beggs of Larne before him , left the Party because they moderated and abandoned the party 's policy of non-recognition of the Republic 's representatives , and they were part of the founding generation .
7 For their authentication , they required the experience of being in the situation in which they were part of the ordered life .
8 Quite the contrary : they were fluctuations of the natural unemployment rate .
9 They were carriers to the Southern Railway although Suttons handled the smaller parcels .
10 It could be argued , too , that they were beneficiaries of the heightened public awareness created by the increasing emphasis by government on the perils facing the environment .
11 They were amateurs in the eighteenth-century sense of the word .
12 However , for some reason , hidden forces protected them ; they were in-violate before the despised Law .
13 They were protectors of the religious orders and preachers of the crusade , the pope 's natural advisers , though he was by no means obliged to listen to their advice or follow their counsel .
14 The normally staid Independent cleared its front page for a graphic , reminiscent of a medieval woodcut , depicting all stages in the evolution of the Cosmos , while the Sun announced that ‘ We Find the Secret of the Creation ’ and showed a mysterious egg-shaped blob with the caption ‘ AMAZING … the universe with ripples shown in the patchy areas ’ , presumably in case the readers thought they were patches in the rippled areas .
15 Maggie had never bothered to resist their reasoning , and she folded her clothes partly from the natural instinct of obedience , and partly because she had never been entirely sure that these external appendages did indeed belong to her , Maggie Petherington , or if perhaps they were loans from the mysterious outer world ; loans that would doubtless be called in some day .
16 Some of his oldest friends , who for years had been accustomed to seeing him , fat and genial , as the leading light of a pig-sticking expedition , were astonished to hear him now holding forth like a veritable Newton or Faraday and discussing the latest discoveries in medicine as fluently as if they were entries in the Bengal Club Cup or the Planters ' Handicap .
17 They were preludes to the true Renaissance and its humanism .
18 The various proposals considered in the previous section were presented as if they were additions to the tripartite analysis , it being admitted that Gettier had shown that analysis to be insufficient .
19 In fact , Marx and Engels did not have much choice among anthropologists because most of them were heirs to the philosophical tradition which went back to Locke and which glorified private property .
20 Yet as of 1922 the political reliability of the teachers was notoriously low : large numbers of them were remnants from the old regime .
21 Despite Joyce 's denunciation of intellectuals , a number of them were allies of the Fascist cause in the 1930s .
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