Example sentences of "they [vb mod] [verb] [pron] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The roar of applause when it later rids itself of them may boost its popularity at a critical moment .
2 Nevertheless , this suggestion by Rees does contain one useful pointer : if managers are non-altruistic , controls on them must influence their pay in order to affect performance .
3 Both of them could attribute their popularity to the fact that in the old days , when opening hours were not so well controlled , they stayed open longer than others , with the result that patrons of The Cock and The Bull were usually the most tipsy .
4 Some of them would make their way to the railway station , but a few , having no horse and trap and unable to afford even the train fare , would travel on foot the whole week , often sleeping rough in the fields or in barns or farmhouses .
5 ‘ If a husband or wife wants a family deep down , then it may eat away at the relationship and they may blame their partner for not allowing them to fulfil their needs . ’
6 When they have arrived at the fully mobile stage of their development , but have not yet ventured off on their own , they may accompany their mother on short trips away from the ‘ nest , .
7 By practice banks withdraw their callable funds with the discount house by 12 noon , but they may offer their surpluses to them up until the close of business in the afternoon .
8 If the profit margins of manufacturers are too drastically reduced they may move their capital from the industrial to the financial sector ; if the political power of the unions is legislated against they may make their power felt at the economic level by going on strike , or at the political level by withdrawing from established parliamentary parties and so on .
9 If they apply the law incorrectly they have not performed their duty correctly and judicial review is available to correct their error of law so that they may make their decision upon a proper understanding of the law .
10 Pigs often lie down and chew on nothing ; they may consume their food in ten minutes during the day .
11 Litigants may not argue on its basis before a local judge , but they may take their cases to the European Commission after they have exhausted all locally available remedies .
12 Trainees will see that by tackling the practical presenting problem with too much alacrity they may superimpose their interpretation of Sally 's problems before confirming them with Sally .
13 If reinsurers receive further adverse experience on political risk , they may withdraw their support for this class .
14 If they are able to ’ overdraw ’ on their payments , or to obtain improved rates on other sites , they may withdraw their labour without notice .
15 They may display their feelings by refusing to eat , and turning a deaf ear to anyone who calls their name .
16 As explained above , the commercial banks ' cash reserves are reduced so that they may recall their loans from the discount houses .
17 Beyond these basic costs , most stations offer a number of ‘ packages ’ such as run-of-week , or based on numbers of TVRs , where they may run your commercial at any time they like , as many times as they like , so long as your eventual cumulative audience reaches an agreed figure .
18 Thus conservatives — try as they may to isolate their theology in a cocoon separate from human knowledge , culture and society-are in trouble .
19 We pray first for our own country , and ask your blessing on those who lead us ; we pray for Elizabeth our queen , that You will bless and guide her in all her responsibilities in this land and in the Commonwealth ; we pray for the Prime Minister and all his cabinet , that they may have your wisdom in the government of the country ; we pray for the leaders of the nations , and especially for areas where there is strife .
20 Police are understandably resistant to advice on how they ought to do their job from those without experience of it .
21 They can not be permitted to isolate their child and view him or her as different from other blacks ; rather they must perceive their child to be an extension of other black people .
22 Then they must translated their analysis into effective interface and product design .
23 They must exercise their powers in the interests of the exchange , rather than for their own benefit .
24 They must present their arguments to the public , using whatever honest strategies they consider appropriate .
25 If what he says is true , which is highly unlikely , they must visit his latrine during the hours of darkness .
26 If they are worried about the possibility of aggression in the visit they must tell their supervisor of their expected time of return or alternatively make arrangements for telephoning the office by a specific time .
27 As well as paddling , they must carry their canoe over locks and re-launch without help from bystanders .
28 If the security forces are as well informed as they claim about paramilitary leadership , north and south of the border , they must carry their offensive to them , wherever they are .
29 For one thing , they often feel that they must hide their condition in order not to appear foolish in the eyes of others .
30 Nevertheless , the 1980 Act makes it abundantly clear that , though districts are the development control authorities , they must direct their decisions to the implementation of the structure plan for their area .
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