Example sentences of "they [vb past] to be the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Most of them seemed to be the kind that took the prepaid cards that he never had , but there were a couple of pay booths at the end of the row and he made for those .
2 At the same time they saw a causal link between the predicament of the peasants and their own frustrations ; the political , social , and cultural constrictions which impinged directly upon them seemed to be the product of a society based upon oppression of the masses .
3 They pretended to be the crew of Dr Xavier Maniguet , who was playing the part of a rich playboy who had chartered the vessel from a French travel agency for a winter cruise in the Pacific .
4 She and other teachers insisted on the right to attend these lessons , and were taken aback by what they perceived to be the absence of a moral framework in what was , as it turned out , an ‘ entirely factual ’ approach to sex education .
5 Although the Tsar heartily endorsed their values and aspirations , by the late 1890s they were becoming deeply embittered by what they took to be the government 's inadequate concern for their well-being .
6 When the Spanish pioneers penetrated the interior of Colombia during the early sixteenth century they were impressed by what they took to be the passion of the Indians for the well-being of their dead .
7 On entering the tavern , the Wokingham men saw Chalk and Fowler accompanied by an elderly man whom they took to be the lawyer .
8 Tranquillity however , they knew to be the harbinger of attack .
9 It must have been clear to the Prussian government that if it had not been for government subsidy the Junker estates would have collapsed under their own weight long ago , but they were nevertheless incapable of striking at what they saw to be the basis and guarantor of their state and society .
10 The authors who began to write about rape and related it to male power , male supremacy and male sexuality , questioned what they saw to be the essentialist constructions of female sexuality which continued to predominate within the age of sexual revolution .
11 They came to that conclusion on the grounds that it appeared to them to be a tenable meaning of the words and in accordance with what they thought to be the policy of the Act of 1914 as to jurisdiction .
12 Because grants to courtiers came to be seen as an abuse , monopolies to individuals were prohibited in 1624 , but corporations could still receive them and they continued to be the basis for trade outside Europe in the seventeenth century .
13 Now the leading Republican spokesmen on foreign policy , Senator Vandenberg and John Foster Dulles , became openly critical of the administration for being too soft on what they considered to be the threat from Russia .
14 His unpopularity with the more high-principled of the English derived from the same qualities , for he indulged or encouraged what they considered to be the king 's lechery and laziness .
15 The right-wing , ultra-nationalist Tehiya and Moledet parties resigned from the ruling Likud-led coalition on Jan. 19 , in protest at what they considered to be the start of autonomy negotiations with the Palestinians during the recent round of Middle East peace talks in Washington [ see this page ] .
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