Example sentences of "they [vb past] [been] [verb] in [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I managed four , but they tasted like they 'd been pickled in piss . ’
2 Maybe they 'd been meeting in secret for a while .
3 TOTALLY UNKNOWN US bluesman comes to Britain and gets schlepped into a studio to record with a bunch of locals who wish they 'd been born in America 's Deep South .
4 He 'd lost weight , his eyes were staring and red as if they 'd been rolled in grit , and his clothes hung on him like a scarecrow 's ; it was almost as if , in the course of the past few weeks , he 'd been drained of the zest and the energy and the sense of confidence that she 'd steadily been picking up .
5 They 'd been baptized in water as we 've already read , and yet nobody had received the Holy Spirit .
6 They had never been observant Jews ; they had been steeped in German , not Jewish , culture and identified with it .
7 The former concept had a crucial historical advantage at the birth of mechanics ; Western thinkers approaching things as materials which stay put until the craftsman or builder reaches for them , would not have started trying to measure how the inert is moved by external forces if they had been thinking in terms of inherently active ch'i .
8 This new use meant a severe criticism of the earlier knowledge , since Marx believed that the studies he was using had originally been made for exactly the opposite purpose to his ; they had been made in order to justify the oppression which Marx say as the core of the capitalist system .
9 A mechanised battalion from the 5th Division based at Fort Polk , Louisiana , they had been deployed in Panama since Gen Noriega 's suppression of the elections in May .
10 They had been living in Athens , and bringing out a magazine , Residue .
11 To settle in America they were forced to sign documents stating that they had been persecuted in Russia and were seeking political asylum .
12 He said children playing at the scene had been warned to stay away from the posts until they had been set in concrete .
13 To Polly the long , crimson-enamelled nails looked as though they had been dipped in blood .
14 A point of typographical interest is that the printers of broadside notices and ballads continued to use the old ‘ black letter ’ or Gothic founts of type long after they had been discarded in favour of the Roman letter for printed books ; so that many of them can take us back in spirit and atmosphere to the Gutenberg Bible and Caxton working at the Sign of the Red Pale in Westminster .
15 Most people refused to believe them and said that they had been faked in Hollywood .
16 They had been talking in Spanish .
17 He had been sending in listings , even reports , on the gigs they had been running in Birmingham .
18 In the first year of the new tour , Len Owen , then tournament director for the Benson and Hedges tournament at Wembley , revealed that they were expecting to have to pay $500,000 in appearance money , in addition to the same amount they had been offering in prize money when they were a protected event .
19 The land that formed the estate and the acre John owned in the city centre are now important parts of Sydney and if they had been retained in Piper ownership until developed , his descendants could have been fabulously rich .
20 After they had been settled in Aquitaine the Visigoths were relatively loyal to the Roman state , although in 422 they deserted the Romans during a campaign against the Vandals in Spain .
21 ‘ I think they had been stationed in France .
22 They had been arrested in December 1972 and , as a result , did not come under the ‘ Diplock ’ innovations and the more stringent Northern Ireland ( Emergency Provisions ) Act , both of which were to come into force in the following year .
23 They had been booked in advance on a quota basis by Čedok , so they would be paid for whether any one ate at them or not .
24 On Feb. 5 lawyers for two Palestinians convicted following the October 1985 hijacking of the Italian cruise ship Achille Lauro [ see pp. 34077-79 ] announced that they had been released in December 1990 and had left for Algeria .
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