Example sentences of "they [vb past] [be] [verb] by [adj] " in BNC.

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1 For part of the trip in a flat bed truck they 'd been acompanied by armed guards , but no-one had told them why .
2 This later point reflects the concern voiced by this administration to reduce the ‘ dependency culture ’ which they felt was promoted by universal and ‘ overgenerous ’ state welfare systems .
3 In many Third World countries national liberation movements which failed to create effective political parties were either taken over by military elites or else the governments which they formed were overthrown by military coups .
4 Differences emerged between the manufacturing and service sectors , however , with 44 per cent of the former saying that they had been affected by green concerns , as against just 29 per cent of the latter .
5 Breach of promise suits , which allowed individuals to sue for damages if they had been injured by unenforceable marriage contracts and which became increasingly popular in the nineteenth century , provide one example of this development .
6 Some trade unionists later felt that they had been misled by private assurances from the Prime Minister that there would be an early election .
7 In recent years the British Government has attempted to extradite terrorist suspects from Belgium and The Netherlands after they had been discovered by British intelligence .
8 The dramatic effectiveness of the timing of the bombs lead to wide suspicion that they had been planted by British agents .
9 However , progress was made , in co-operation with the EC monitors ' team , on evacuating Yugoslav National Army ( JNA ) garrisons from Croatia where they had been blockaded by Croatian forces , as Croatia agreed to lift the remaining blockades on garrisons in Zagreb .
10 On ITV , for example , the channel which caused most concern , 17 per cent said they had been offended by bad language , and 11 per cent each by scenes of sex or violence .
11 Orton and Vera said they had been abducted by Malawian agents during a visit to a Zambian town close to the Malawian border .
12 Both during training and after qualifying some people said that they had been encouraged by senior colleagues to work with disabled people or in areas of medicine of low prestige .
13 Stewart Raynsford and Peter Kemp were found slumped in their unlocked cell just hours after arriving at the jail and it was assumed they had been attacked by fellow inmates .
14 Under Russian rule many native communities were deprived of such rights by sheer seizure of land ( zakhvat ) or by forfeiting territory as a result of pernicious debtor-contracts into which they had been duped by unscrupulous settlers .
15 With regard to their own work , three of the four women said they had been criticised by White feminists for ‘ too much sex ’ or for ‘ collusion in the exploitation of women for the male gaze ’ , a criticism which they all felt was inappropriate and indicative not just of Western ignorance vis-à-vis questions of representation and cultural difference , but also of institutional and political constraints .
16 Both of them had been influenced by Dutch stock : the Hervé of central Liège originated from Dutch Friesians crossed to local red-pied cattle in the mid-nineteenth century , while the Polders of western Antwerp and northern Flanders was in effect the Dutch Black Pied in Belgium .
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