Example sentences of "they [vb base] [pers pn] as [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Yet that person with AD may be ‘ positioned ’ differently , both by themselves and others , if they avoid the games because they perceive them as a mindless waste of time and prefer to go for a walk instead .
2 Now that is a large part of our culture , which in a sense gets sucked into the educational establishment and sucked into teaching relationships , and because it 's such a consistent part of the way in which women are seen , I think they perceive it as a greater problem .
3 It is of course difficult to ‘ police ’ this objection , and there is a certain ambivalence in the attitude of some countries ; recognising the usefulness of postal service , they welcome it as a supplementary method designed to back up the ‘ official ’ service effected in other ways , but are unhappy to see the postal channel treated as appropriate or sufficient in itself .
4 They describe it as a terrifying ordeal and although it was around two o'clock in the morning , they say a number of people were in the area and could help their search for the rapist .
5 They portray him as a confused mixture of honesty and cantankerousness : a big heart governed by a stroppy mind .
6 When Christians in this tradition talk of reason , on the other hand , they dismiss it as a human work , tainted therefore by sin and liable to mislead .
7 Ultraviolet light is so important to insects that they use it as a main component of their colour vision .
8 The dealers do n't get a penny ; they do it as a public service .
9 Although this type of divination is clearly readily subject to manipulation , Zande are naturally disinclined to admit this ; they regard it as a mystical process on a par with other oracular procedures where human bias is less obvious .
10 It not only conflicts with their self-conscious professionalism but they regard it as an increasing anachronism in the agriculture of the 1970s .
11 They regard it as an ideal way to familiarise themselves with the latest legislative and other changes and are sometimes reluctant to delegate the task or to see it rendered unnecessary , as is the case with the microfilm system described below .
12 And even so , they treat you as a likely criminal .
13 They see him as a potential match-winner when the new four-day format is brought into championship cricket next year .
14 But having a woman on the wing makes them realise they have hurt real people , they see me as a real person
15 A deaf therapist said : ‘ They do n't see me as a health professional who knows it all , but who does n't really understand ; they see me as a disabled person . ’
16 They see it as a revolutionary and subversive moral doctrine .
17 Right , er another situation where there 's men and women differences is in multilingual communities , er you find that men and women 's attitudes to varieties or language varieties or languages can carry so some men will try and avoid using one of their languages because they see it as a low prestige variety whereas some women will use it because for them it 's a high prestige variety .
18 They see it as a further confirmation of their own moral righteousness in remaining committed to believing in a God who their reason tells them can not exist .
19 They see it as a scientific rather than a moral problem .
20 Clearly they all function with the agreement of their management committees and funders , and within NACAB membership conditions , In fact NACAB has democratically voted its support for a broadening of roles , by reiterating in the new membership regulations the responsibility of the management committee for ensuring that bureau workers are trained in social policy work , and that they see it as a natural complement to bureau work when dealing with individual clients .
21 Many officials ( for instance , at the Bundesbank ) who doubt the case for monetary union would like to see this earlier-vintage , less-rigid ERM stay in business indefinitely : they see it as a workable long-term regime for European monetary policy .
22 They see it as the first stage in widening contacts with Western Europe .
23 They see it as the ultimate proof that there must originally have been a designer , not a blind watchmaker but a far-sighted supernatural watchmaker .
24 School officials in Pasadena , Texas have detected something satanic in the peace symbol : they see it as an upside-down broken cross that signifies the defeat of Christianity .
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