Example sentences of "they [vb base] [prep] [noun] to the " in BNC.

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1 They jerk in surrender to the pulse of Fole 's hammerskins , the tremulous yodelling of Tumblejack 's voice .
2 It was because the parties had all analysed the nature of the problem we had to decide in the same way that it was agreed at the outset of the hearing before us that the central question we had to answer was this : in what capacity are High Court judges sitting when they sit as visitors to the Inns of Court in disciplinary cases ?
3 ‘ I would prefer to see the medical charities emphasizing the large amount of research they sponsor into alternatives to the use of animals , rather than making a big fuss out of this ’ , says Michael Balls , chairman of the trustees of the Fund for the Replacement of Animals in Medical Experiments , and until recently professor of medical cell biology at the University of Nottingham .
4 The importance of the miracles is the teaching they give about Jesus to the modern Christian .
5 1803 " From a statement to this Meeting of the Desertion of the Militia men or non appearance ; which they consider as Disgracefull to the Inhabitants of Islay .
6 They get signed , they get arm-wrestled into spending too much money on their records , they get into debt to the record company , they spend 18 months trying to get out of it , it does n't work and the band breaks up .
7 This has been followed by some authorities and voluntary agencies who developed codes , which they apply in relation to the homes which they administer .
8 ‘ Mighty fine , ’ they nod in response to the information .
9 The original sources for the two models for field methods … are both extreme in the ways that they fail as solutions to the observer 's paradox .
10 Social class inequalities are always difficult to explain precisely but there is no doubt that they exist in relation to the AL of maintaining a safe environment ( Whitehead , 1987 ) .
11 As they increase in proportion to the pre-designation firms , so the number of ‘ high-tech ’ jobs should increase .
12 While bees will orientate their dances with respect to gravity in a darkened hive , in bright light , they orientate with respect to the light .
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