Example sentences of "they [vb base] [pron] [verb] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For example , management may be buying a specific business out of a larger group of companies because they perceive it to have greater value as a single concern than its ( often ) discounted value as part of the vendor 's group .
2 Say you 're eight stone they make you put that waistcoat on , it 's nine stone .
3 And it 's just like , and they want you to make some comment on what you 've worked out , which is no problem really , is it ?
4 They want it kept low profile . ’
5 They say they gave considerable thought before making the decision which they hope will help the trade ride the current recession .
6 They say it shows little respect for the environment and have managed to pursuade council officials to consider putting preservation orders on the remaining trees .
7 They let her keep that part of herself , though much else changed .
8 ‘ I said I was unfairly handicapped , and they let me do extra Latin instead , ’ she said .
9 They consider themselves to have considerable expertise in operating trains , many of their crew being regular volunteers on the Railway and will dress in Victorian costume for these special events in an endeavour to recreate the period of the Vintage Train .
10 They tell him to take another wife .
11 I do n't think they like you changing half way through treatment .
12 They exert themselves to produce internal heat .
13 Now she sees many of the ideas being picked up by the commercial companies with which she had dealings because they believe it brings new talent into the industry .
14 This fact tends to make full-time reserve police very cautious in their behaviour , for they feel they have less opportunity to ease , which further means that their opinion of some regulars is not good .
15 Worse , they feel it has little relevance to everyday business decisions , where right and wrong are by no means always clear-cut .
16 These Rules may be disapplied by agreement in the case of non-private investors but where they apply they require that money is only held with certain approved banks and that the money in the account is , to the bank 's knowledge , a trust fund .
17 ‘ Lots of people will consider returning to work if they think they have good quality childcare . ’
18 I 'm sure they think he killed that girl ! ’
19 They call you dirty black gipsy .
20 Since then Jim who manages the project engineer course , has spoken to Trevor , and also since then we 've had er contact from Regional Railways our major client , who have actually said that they require us to have this expertise .
21 They have someone watching this house .
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