Example sentences of "they [modal v] [adv] [verb] [to-vb] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 They may also serve to imitate foodstuffs such as meat or cheese .
2 They may also agree to re-site appliances for disabled people at reduced cost .
3 They may actually have to take risks : all the fault of Mrs Thatcher , but not because she was too interested in the entrepreneurs ; quite the contrary , because she over-egged the pudding for the house-owning classes .
4 They may therefore hope to arrange trials for criminals who served the dictator .
5 Through all the drudgery ( as it may seem ) , cricketers should enjoy the fruits of what they do and achieve , but they should also remember to make friends and speak fondly of the game , and they will then want for nothing once their playing days are over .
6 They could also choose to maintain barriers to trade , to investment and to other financial transactions with the outside world .
7 Susan had said that they would both have to find jobs , and one could n't do much in the art line without proper training .
8 They would also like to invite representatives from the various churches and other organisations in Scorton to be present .
9 Not only would their number have to be increased but they would also need to undergo years of specialized training for which they would expect a commensurate reward .
10 But of course if he worked for Raleigh where they 've got a vast labour force a vast pay as you earn scheme then any income would be taxed by Raleigh as a subsidiary source so there would be another code number there , they would actually be collecting tax at two sources , but they would still need to allocate allowances , it may well be that , at Raleigh for example , they 've covered that by allowances in which case they pull back five hundred pounds there to collect .
11 They will either have to squeeze jobs or charge higher prices . ’
12 Certainly they will have a presence in the instant sector that will be created but they will only want to hold shares in two or three companies .
13 If underwriters are involved they will usually wish to appoint solicitors to represent their own interests .
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