Example sentences of "they [be] [verb] [prep] [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 For instance , discharges frequently run from septic tanks in the grounds of country cottages , many of whose occupants are old people who have the sympathies of field men , since most of them are believed to be badly off .
2 The consequence of this is that women are feared because they are seen to be sexually aggressive , and relations with men are spoiled because a close tie to them , which might otherwise constitute a conflict-free alternative nevertheless connotes a parallel threat of passive dependency .
3 Different attitudes confront older people ; they are seen to be too slow , too set in their work practices , or possessing skills which have become or will become redundant .
4 Bourque and Grossholtz ( 1984 ) argue that the acceptance of ‘ masculinity as ideal political behaviour ’ has dire consequences for studying women : the unquestioned assumption that the political attitudes , behaviour and preferences of men define mature political behaviour means that when women do not match these they are said to be either apolitical or politically naive .
5 They are said to be generally positive to the takeover but still need to achieve certain comfort levels .
6 They are said to be very fast over the first 40 yards , and the advice offered by the locals is that you should run on a zig-zag course if one of them takes a fancy to you .
7 I have not tried the Nitragon myself but they are said to be very good .
8 Consequently they are said to be only suitable for the rarified world of HQ where men with no ‘ bottle ’ and the non-combatants have fled .
9 Now if our estimates , say for the marginal to consume or the incoming elasticity of demand , right if our estimates are based on a regression in which the real or the underlying marginal propensity to consume or income elasticity demand is varying from plus four to minus two , you know , is our point test generate from , from regression analysis they are going to be completely meaningless .
10 ‘ Uncle Ross and I have been to see your mummy and daddy — and they are going to be just fine . ’
11 If police officers have more protection they are going to be more helpful to the public who will , in turn , be more confident . ’
12 They are going to be very good but they need to learn to combine better , ’ observed Cahill .
13 They are going to be very good but they need to learn to combine better , ’ observed Cahill .
14 Nordstrom has not publicly put a cost on its plans , but they are going to be very expensive .
15 ’ All the talk is they are going to be very big and physical but we 're not going to worry about the opposition , ’ said Llewellyn .
16 Its Hong Kong spokesman , Alan Rogers , said : ‘ If the Chinese were upset before then they are going to be very upset now . ’
17 er , we have in the East end of the village , including the pub , the farm , and various other properties , a certain type of properties that elevation , a certain sympathetic er amenity , and these buildings , I I heard the word mentioned earlier , I live in the country , I could live in the town , it does n't matter where I live , but these are not the sort of properties , in my opinion , that should be put on this particular site , er and they 're they 're totally , all our own elevations and plans of height , and they are totally and utterly out of proportion and out of scale with the present day entrance to the village , and whilst we 're not talking totally and utterly about looks , if you come down into the village they are going to be totally over powering , particularly in the , in the actual , in this situation of no hedges and that kind of thing ,
18 Well , if they think they are going to follow me into the Multivite/Singletons First Division when I take over at Titford Polymers , then they are going to be bloody disappointed .
19 Other seed baits I have used successfully on the Severn are tares and maple peas , but I have not used the latter two very often and do not yet know if they are going to be consistently successful .
20 ‘ I do not believe they are going to be as clumsy as to try to introduce this for people actually undergoing surgery , ’ he said .
21 This financial year , they are expected to be just over £1 billion — about one half of 1 per cent .
22 It has been suggested that , if a researcher is not sometimes surprised at what they observe , then they are failing to be as open-minded as they should .
23 They are designed to be less restrictive than full safety helmets and are known as ‘ bump caps ’ .
24 The matter is further complicated by the fact that the disclosure letter will almost always say the disclosures are made by reference to the warranty to which they are thought to be most applicable , but they also apply to all warranties .
25 Although they always look so tempting on the garden centre shelf , they are known to be very hard to please .
26 They 're bound to be wide awake . ’
27 They 're socialised to be very obsequious .
28 They 're going to be all right , Ross , ’ she murmured softly .
29 All the advertising in the world will not draw people to your event if they believe they 're going to be there alone .
30 Now most of the forms in this pack you can put in the storage binder because they 're going to be absolutely useless for you .
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