Example sentences of "they [verb] be [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The last time they met was in the old second division at the county ground .
2 The only place they lived was in the northern mountains , the Greshorns .
3 If we accept that we can not prevent science and technology from changing our world , we can at least try to ensure that the changes they make are in the right directions .
4 Celtic finished the half well on top , though the closest they came was from the powerful long range shooting of Polish defender Wdowczyk .
5 All of which explained that when I arrived at the BMC 's International Meet halfway through the week , the climbers that drifted into breakfast that morning looked like they 'd been on the receiving end of a very nasty artillery barrage .
6 Our participants lived on a large 1960s council estate on the outskirts of a county town and the schoolrooms they describe were in the local comprehensive school situated on the estate .
7 Where they differ is in the unique properties of their cell membranes , for the nerve cell membrane is excitable — which means that in response to a signal , such as a small local fluctuation in ion concentration across the membrane , it can rapidly become permeable to the ions outside it .
8 And of course the deterrents that we 've had , over the years , when they they 've been of the emotive and knee jerk sort , and I remember the short sharp shock for instance , under Whitelaw , they did n't work , because they were n't thought out , they were just to make them clap at the Tory party conference .
9 The rather frayed drapes , either side of the tall windows , had a silky sheen in the soft lamplight , the scratched furniture and the threadbare state of the rugs no longer as visible as they had been under the brilliant glare of the harsh overhead light .
10 They had been on the right road , he was certain of it .
11 ( In fact , the French lines there on February 21st were no better prepared than they had been on the Right Bank , and the rejoinder that if he had not had adequate forces he should not have undertaken the offensive in the first place is almost too obvious ) .
12 Perhaps they had been on the other side of the ditch all the time and were hidden by it now .
13 Modules were built in the early 1980s in much the same way as they had been in the late 1960s , with little technical or organizational change .
14 They show considerable fluctuations in the annual level of real wages , but are markedly higher in the early fifteenth century than they had been in the late fourteenth .
15 Average cereal prices were seriously higher after 1760 than they had been in the early eighteenth century so there was less fluctuation around the breadline in the first half of the century , but the relief-dependent population was even so probably not much below 10 per cent in most parishes in most years and capable of rising much above that from time to time in localities affected by short-term unemployment of the kind that manufacturing slumps could bring even to the pre-industrial economy .
16 Ingram has found that in many parts of southern England the levels of these practices were much higher in the 1620s and 1630s than they had been in the middle years of Elizabeth 's reign ; and Jeremy Boulton has discovered that between 80 and 98 per cent of all the potential communicants of two large suburban parishes in London were receiving annual communion during the late Elizabethan and Jacobean periods-a very high proportion by any standards .
17 Things were very different from the way they had been in the colonial period :
18 Potential inferences which were disconfirmed by a later statement were invariably rejected , and inferences which were neither confirmed nor disconfirmed were falsely identified as often as they had been in the neutral condition .
19 It would have been better for employers and workpeople if they had been in the disciplinary grip of machinery …
20 Anderson does not deny that kin probably continued to be the main and the most reliable source of aid for migrants into the expanding towns , as they had been in the rural communities ( mostly in Lancashire and Ireland ) from which the migrants came .
21 It seemed like an excellent opportunity to put himself to the test , see if his reflexes were as finely honed as they had been in the old days .
22 Rather embarrassed that he had waited … as if he had been hanging on … shy , although it could not be the surroundings , he very gratefully accepted the offer of claret , knew it to be a good one and said so … did not know quite what to say … he had found a peculiar empathy grow between himself and this handsome , strong , elegant , privileged man of the world when they had been in the little hill church of St Kentigern 's .
23 In the first place , the ownership of land and the occupation of farms was concentrated into far fewer hands in the eighteenth century than they had been in the medieval village .
24 Also , although there were marked fluctuations in the number of admissions from year to year , it is clear that from about 1490 the numbers of those admitted at York were consistently lower than they had been from the mid 1380s to the 1440s .
25 They have been over the past few days erm usually it was chocolate and apricot .
26 Scoured as they have been by the turbulent and freezing sands that eroded every trace of fittings and furnishings whatsoever , their walls and ceilings do bear signs : remnants of incised and sometimes inlaid strings of rectangular shapes that numerous experts have confidently identified as writing , though no truly plausible translation has ever been constructed .
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