Example sentences of "they [verb] [pron] [prep] [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They were sighted in China , where those who attempted to eat them reported them to be tasteless or unpleasant .
2 The man finally stood up and went over to them imploring them to be quiet .
3 Because they all hate us , they hate us for being different , for not being them , for their own not being like us .
4 You see they 've nothing to be frightened of any more .
5 They do not want a levy : they want everyone to be exempt .
6 and what our boys … our volunteers … the boys all say they are looking forward to it some have been canoeing and they expect it to be fast and bumpy …
7 So they expect it to be quick .
8 getting compurgators to swear that they believed him to be oathworthy , although they knew nothing of the facts of the case .
9 But my strongest surviving impression is of a large team of teachers , several of them coming specifically to Banbury to undertake this work and now scattered in headships across the country , determined to carry change through — not because it was imposed by politicians or bureaucrats , but because they believed it to be right and wanted it to work well .
10 Following consultations with the British Speedway Promoters ' Association , the Board overruled the decision , made by officials at Exeter , because they believed it to be unfair .
11 The island presented such a complex profile to the early European navigators that they assumed her to be separate islands — and her pluralized name remained all the way up to Indonesia 's independence when an orgy of name-changing occurred and Celebes was renamed Sulawesi , and her capital , Makassar , became Ujung Pandang .
12 Because they consider themselves to be strong , in power , in positions of power and coping well , and then all of a sudden to have something like this war going and carpet bombing going on and the use of chemical weapons and germ warfare .
13 Others discriminate against students on grounds of sexual orientation when they suspect them of being gay or lesbian ; others on class or a whole range of subjective , stereotypical responses to the unfamiliar .
14 One of the hardest things for women to bear is the way men reject tears as silly and irrelevant , when they know them to be important and valuable .
15 However Christ is understood , as people take him up into their culture , or make of him what they will , they know him to be male .
16 Project teams might resent policy decisions of senior managers because they believe them to be inappropriate to the problems of the organisation ; line managers might resent ‘ free- wheeling ’ ‘ undisciplined ’ members of project teams .
17 Their understanding of social action is a ‘ realist ’ one , in so far as they believe there to be general , deep-lying mechanisms affecting human conduct which are triggered in different ways by contingent social circumstances .
18 It is not that such people are necessarily ‘ inadequate ’ , but that they feel themselves to be inadequate .
19 If the relatives are able to go to the mortuary or viewing room and be with the person who has died for as long as they feel it to be necessary , then they are more able to start absorbing the fact of their loved one 's death , because again they have the evidence in front of them .
20 ‘ The few who decide to stay on board can still attend normal surgeries if they feel it to be necessary , and the likelihood of a real emergency developing in the meantime is pretty remote .
21 Auer did , in fact , produce such fine raised patterns that Austrian government representatives found the resemblance so close ‘ that they took them to be real lace , until , by touching and closely examining them , they convinced themselves that they were the production of the printing press ’ .
22 When I went to junior school it was half and half , white and Black kids ; the Black guys were really revered , and lots of the white boys would try to act Black , because they associated it with being hard or cool .
23 We doubted that it was technically possible , or that there would be a niche for such a business , but they proved us to be wrong and that was the beginning of the launch of Tactel , our highly successful family of fibres for leisurewear , the ICI record campaign , and so many more besides .
24 The clues lie , probably , in an informality of style ; in signs — at least — that someone has thought about the environment of the office ; evidence of a lot of the agency 's work around the place ( if they have nothing to be proud of ; they can not be much use ) ; an approach which is clearly geared to the idea of selling .
25 They have plenty to be angry about .
26 And if they wanted him to be boring then that would be the performance that he would offer .
27 They wanted me to be different from what I was .
28 They wanted her to be keen , did n't they ?
29 They wanted it to be rough sounding and we had a lot of discussions .
30 It is evident from the comments made by the nouveaux romanciers that they considered themselves to be developing and integrating the formal experiments of writers drawn from a carefully selected modernist canon , suggesting that they judged modernism to have been incomplete in the French novel before their arrival .
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