Example sentences of "they [verb] [noun] [coord] [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If they , they got they got piecework or they got th th the , they get either piecework or they get so much for the job so much , an hourly rate for the job .
2 They got the Hunter-Blair column and they got Girlie but he prevented a great many other things .
3 training for them , then say after about three or four year if they wan na get married , they got children and they got some good experience .
4 I said , I 'll Well they sell fruit and they sell this and they Well , I said , the I i that 's my trade I said , the fruit and the sweets like you know more .
5 see that the fact that in Amsterdam they de-criminalized cannabis and they do not have the same kind of problems .
6 Well they they read stuff and they get tape recordings of people talking and they go through and
7 the tickets were so they want tickets but they have n't actually sent any money , so if you get in before them erm , you can have the tickets .
8 Superficially , CAB workers have a twofold task : they interview clients and they supply them with information and advice .
9 Not only did they lack skills but they did not adapt readily from the rhythm of agricultural life with its long periods of inactivity and frequent holidays , to the demands of modern industry .
10 Enid Blyton 's characters do show emotions — they show affection and they get angry — but they are obvious and unrevealing , the writer judging that this shallowness is appropriate for young readers .
11 ‘ They institutionalise high cost structures and production patterns , they restrict flexibility and they constrain the innovative and enterprising producer .
12 Erm they conduct heat and they conduct electricity .
13 The posts may not necessarily be particularly lucrative ( regius professorships are worth £100 a year , religiously paid in quarterly £25 cheques ) , but they are at some of the pinnacles of national life , they open doors and they command respect .
14 Well they like roasties and I did n't realize
15 No this is , cos Marion and Matthew they like Indians and they go both me ma , start again , they like Indian meals and they 've been round to quite a few and they said this is the best one they 've been to .
16 They visit London but she does n't
17 So it seems to me that the existence of death , the fact that organisms do n't live forever , and they certainly are not perfected in terms of personal fitness or survivability , because they get diseases and they die suggests to me that our modern insight into evolution acting on individual genes is , is correct .
18 it 's disheartening , it 's disheartening but do exactly what Amanda says , wait until September when all the colleges are in the paper , the colleges have got to be filled up , they get budgets and they got to fill them up , the colleges up with
19 They understand children and they have the children 's best interests at heart .
20 It rained on days when they needed sun and it blazed when Nichols wanted a rain sequence .
21 They aroused anger and she felt uncomfortable with it , shifting , frowning .
22 In the army they fire bullets and they have their big powerful bullets and the idea is that the bullet comes through her , travels across , goes through her and goes into him so there 's
23 And yet they recognize unions and they ask you to apply your , er to yourself .
24 By the time they reached Coniston and she saw grey stone cottages beside a lake reflecting more of those unbelievable mountains , she knew she was being offered a new world .
25 ‘ I do n't know what they gave Rocky but he came round within 24 hours and seems back to normal now , ’ said Mr Taylor .
26 Yeah well th cos they 've been waiting up there on the thing and they 've land or they 've just been circ
27 And they said Bowater and I said well I have never heard of you and then they said have you heard of the paper ?
28 In biology , yeah , they had differentiation but I did n't think it was right so I put diffiation down instead .
29 And they had addresses and I ran around , I went to get a job at the pit , which er I had no more sense so I 'm glad now that I did n't get on .
30 They have ambitions and they have pride .
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