Example sentences of "on the [adj -est] [noun sg] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 US troops in Panama remain on the highest state of alert .
2 To explain the non-proportionality of annual time-series data , such as that in Table 3 , Duesenberry suggests that aggregate consumption depends not just on current income , but also on the highest level of income previously attained .
3 Classification of the disease course ( remission/mild , moderate or severe ) and calculation of the mean stool frequency were both based on the highest level of disease activity experienced during the entire study .
4 Several hours later Sten found a warden who sailed out to the island and dropped the guys off on the nearest bit of mainland .
5 Then lie or sit down on the nearest piece of furniture , try to keep warm and wait calmly for help to arrive .
6 No matter — shooting up on the purest essence of Led Zep , The Stones , and the obligatory clutch of the early '70s Yank noisemaster , Thee Hypnotics leap straight outta the museum and into the '90s , resurrecting the spirit as well as they sound of their sonic ancestors .
7 No matter — shooting up on the purest essence of Led Zep , The Stones , and the obligatory clutch of the early '70s Yank noisemaster , Thee Hypnotics leap straight outta the museum and into the '90s , resurrecting the spirit as well as they sound of their sonic ancestors .
8 Contact your locksmith for advice on the best type of window locks to fit , and ask about specialist locks for your patio doors .
9 Could you advise me on the best type of sash cramp to buy ?
10 Cavity walls can be filled by a contractor who will advise you on the best type of material for your type of property .
11 Theda was just able to prevent her mouth falling open , but her eyes widened , and her voice trembled on the veriest hint of laughter as she held out her hand .
12 Place on a baking tray lined with folded newspaper on the lowest shelf of oven .
13 The BMA believes that there is an urgent need for a central waste policy to give guidance on the safest form of disposal .
14 While left academics queue up to deliver their twenty thousand words worth on the latest nuance of postmodernism , we look in vain for two hundred words on a new film or television programme .
15 Blind children at a college in Worcester ca n't wait to get their hands on the latest batch of adventure stories , translated into braille by computor .
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