Example sentences of "on the [noun sg] [coord] it [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 Used by all Soviet pilot schools up to 1948 , over 100,000 pilots graduated on the type and it was extensively used post-war by aero clubs .
2 And I 'd look on the field and it was his brother who 'd been tackled . ’
3 It was on the biggest floating pontoon that was available and they towed it out into the lagoon in Venice , stuck a couple of pirate flags on the top and it was like a floating city seething with roadies !
4 There was a torn squab cushion on the top and it was traditionally used as a place to dump coats , scarves and gloves .
5 the middle and I crisped the taters on the top and it was lovely
6 There was plenty of room on the course and it was relatively easy to lengthen it enough to test the professionals .
7 And it 's as if it was n't floating on the surface and it was doing all the things that fishes do but it was
8 ‘ The rod was really rocking on the rest and it was very difficult to see the bites .
9 Well Ian is quite irked it happened because people Zain and Desmond got the job on the day and it was n't quite clearly said , my fault , not quite clearly said exactly , count the money religiously and
10 This time there was no knife , they just got him on the floor and it was just a fist which had come down on the man 's face again and again .
11 Charley Hoskins had been trained as a blacksmith but , like so many Saltash boys , had his heart set on the sea and it was when he had joined the Royal Navy that he met Ben Bellaser .
12 I know for sure if he had n't been on the scene and it was only Colonel Vaughan and myself , I would most likely have said .
13 Mr Gillis had stuck a plastic hook near the top of this door on the inside and it was here that he chose to hang his white trilby .
14 Hari knocked on the door and it was quickly opened by a young maidservant who looked her over in disdain .
15 He knocked on the door and it was thrown open by Bernard , oozing bonhomie from a silk dressing-gown .
16 His tale was verified by another member of the party Hawick 's B international hooker Jim Hay , who recounted that his fellow Teri , Jim Renwick , had been so intent on chasing and tackling the electrifyingly quick Eric Rush that he had failed to notice a helicopter land on the pitch and it was only when they felt the down-draft from the rotor blades that they put on the anchors .
17 and it sounded as though it was on the railway but it was n't the railway it was a big factory at the side .
18 The other day when we had a very hot day , it was quite a hot day and over mid day I went out to do something in the garden there and her milk was still on the step and it was in the sun .
19 From the time of Laurence little work was carried out on the Palace and it was again allowed to fall into decay .
20 The army carried out a controlled explosion on the car but it was found to contain no explosives .
21 And when I arrived I wouldn't 've been surprised if my name had n't been on the list but it was there .
22 I 've brought him , I 've brought him at half five , because I was at the bus stop , leaning on the lamp-post and it was about twenty five past , and then he did n't come along to the next stop by and it got to twenty five
23 There was like a prawl in the flywheel , and you pulled a lever like that and it , there was n't a connection on to the , like on to the crankshaft with a starting handle , this thing was on the flywheel and it was like a lever
24 There was only one smell on the wind and it was new to him : a strong , fresh , sweet fragrance that filled the air .
25 Collecting my thoughts I baited up with a fresh squid and cast back out to the same spot , bobbin on the needle and it was back to the bedchair .
26 In 1941 a bomb fell on the College and it was thought to be the end of Halling Man but the bones were found with the relative animal bones and sent to the British Museum ( Natural History ) .
27 and like , we were just flicking through Ceefax on the telly and it was like one of these luxury six berth ones and it was ninety nine quid for a week and , and
28 I told her I thought The Times would probably have a man on the spot and it was late , and I prised my Toshiba away from her grasping hands .
29 It was on the market and it was a grand gesture by the owner — one that was much appreciated by the parents of the nine children , and by the Action Committee that had come together so promptly to support them .
30 I noticed the clock on the mantelpiece and it was 10.15 .
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