Example sentences of "do [not/n't] [adv] [verb] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Even in towns women did not normally act as traders .
2 To his credit , he excoriated the lack of safety at the circuit , had the highest praise for the drivers who pulled Niki out of his burning car and did not even think in terms of his now enhanced championship chances , not only because he thought Niki would be back in Austria , but because he was honest enough to know that without the accident and Jochen having to re-start , he might himself have placed no better than third .
3 Zack did not even bother with preambles .
4 ‘ Generally speaking most tradesmen have some ways peculiar to themselves which they either derived from masters who taught them or from the experience of things or from something in the course of business ’ , but this did not strictly apply to undertakers ,
5 Headmen did not consistently function as exponents of the rule of law when carrying out their duties .
6 He did not quite begin in rags ; he was the great-grandson of an Irish immigrant to New York , where his father worked in the cleaning department of the borough of Queens .
7 Neither did the very many railwaymen who were concerned with passengers , nor , since the canal companies did not usually operate as carriers , did they employ anything like the same number of men in handling freight .
8 Ivy , who did not much care for books about ‘ Abroad ’ — though if you sent her one she would say politely that it would be ‘ a companion ’ — was pleased to have a novel set in England and in the past .
9 Even those who believed that poverty was largely self-inflicted did not always adhere to policies strictly consistent with this view .
10 Ideologies do not just appear in societies ; their function is to legitimate practices , and they are formulated for this purpose .
11 The provision and s740 do not just apply to cases where there is a transfer of an asset from the United Kingdom to a place outside the United Kingdom .
12 Do not even think of daemons .
13 The recent survey Trends in public library selection policies shows that about 20 % of public libraries do not even allocate to categories such as adult fiction , or children 's books , and very few record stock revision separately .
14 Getting them to take me on had taken some persuasion : developing countries do not generally put in requests for people in my profession — clinical psychology .
15 For this and other reasons we recommend that most of the fibre is obtained from vegetables , salad , and fruit , which does not have this effect , and that you do not simply spoon on dollops of bran in order to increase fibre intake .
16 In these situations it is often the deterioration of the mind of the old person which makes tending tasks so hard to bear , which reminds us that we do not simply respond to bodies , we respond to people , negatively or positively .
17 For some time in social policy it has been appreciated that local administrations do not simply act as transmitters of national legislation and guidance .
18 We have already seen that national rules which do not expressly discriminate on grounds of nationality may nevertheless have this effect in practice .
19 We take particular care when approached for facilities by young people and do not normally lend to minors .
20 Researchers do not normally look to accountants when seeking support for the imaginative leaps which have characterised the most major advances in science .
21 Secondly , because of the very great power which the government can wield over its citizens , the law has traditionally imposed on governmental agencies special duties of procedural fairness ( embodied in the rules of natural justice discussed in Chapter 8 ) which do not normally apply to dealings between private citizens .
22 We do not necessarily think of pigments in the context of metalwork , but there are traditions of painted metal statues .
23 But Galbraith admits there will be more : ‘ Our results could seriously misrepresent the total number because sufferers do not necessarily go to venereologists or dermatologists .
24 Black pupils need to achieve academically in order to enter the labour market even at the lowest level in spite of evidence that qualifications do not necessarily lead to jobs ( see Brennan and McGeevor , 1987 , for example ) .
25 Being an enabler of pupils ' learning is an unselfish task and " imaginative " teachers do not necessarily excel in qualities of humility and standing back and giving space to others .
26 It is however apparent that differences in comprehensive income measured in this way do not necessarily correspond to differences in ability to pay , defined in terms of opportunity sets .
27 Women do not actually sound like children , and men sound even less like Great Danes — except in the light of a culturally-mediated analogy that already trades on sexism .
28 Do not merely stare at facts which you hope to remember , but see if you can devise a memory-jogger by arranging them so that the initials form another word which , perhaps , you associate with some experience in your life .
29 For reasons outlined earlier in this chapter these do not usually consist of jobs , but rather of space ( which will be considered in the following chapter under the heading of land use and access ) and housing .
30 The problem lies in deciding what the relationship is between and ; since we do not usually pause between words , there is no silence ( or external open juncture ) to indicate word division and to justify the space left in the transcription .
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