Example sentences of "do [not/n't] [verb] she [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He dared not pull away , even though he did not want her to feel his changing body , but at this point one of her gentle caresses touched the corner of his mouth and before he could stop himself his mouth was on hers , and restrain himself as he might it was a lover 's kiss , not a friend 's .
2 He did not want her to think he was gloating .
3 Liz was prepared to allow the therapist to talk to her parents , but she did not want her to tell them about her problems concerning the shop , preferring to discuss these with them herself .
4 But his wife was always his chief protector — he did not like her to leave his side for more than a day .
5 Her educational budget did not allow her to expand it or to make significant innovative changes .
6 If they did not let her see him until they both appeared before the prince , what wild errors might he not commit in his insecurity ?
7 She 'd led me on , I did n't think she deserved my sympathy after that .
8 He did n't think she remembered him ; he had seen her , he recalled , at the end-of-term dance .
9 ‘ I did n't think she liked me much , but I 'm one of Dave 's oldest mates and … when I get up , I 'll bloody —
10 When he did n't reply she felt something bad approaching and tried to ward it off with an apology .
11 When he did n't answer she shot him a fierce look .
12 I told her I did n't want her to do it any more .
13 This time Julius kept his gaze fixed on the road ahead , as if he did n't want her to see his eyes .
14 She put a bony hand on my shoulder , but I did n't want her to touch me .
15 I did n't want her to touch me .
16 and Andrew he did n't want her to hold him in the water , he wanted to walk
17 I did n't want her to give herself over to the view of life that underlay all this , the philosophy that pinned her to the shadow-corners of the world .
18 Did n't want her to chuck herself off a bridge , so I 've let her have one of my rooms . ’
19 I did n't want her to think I was angry or disappointed , and as I helped her ashore , I smiled and said , ‘ I understand , ’ and , caught in the no-man's-land between desire and fulfilment , leant forward rather clumsily to kiss her .
20 When he introduced me to her , just before the wedding , he sort of … well , he did n't come out and say it , but he got the message over that he did n't want her to know I was gay .
21 He did n't want her to kiss him .
22 Yet that did n't stop her gritting her teeth and nodding .
23 Oh , she had n't missed Naylor 's eyes on her a time or two when she exchanged some comment with Travis — but surely he did n't expect her to ignore him !
24 She had n't allowed him to inconvenience her when she was alive , so he did n't let her do it when she was dead .
25 ‘ Sergeant Joe , Mum says as yer did n't let 'er treat yer earlier , would yer like a cup of tea and a slice of cake now ? ’
26 It did n't please her to admit it , because she preferred to get on with people .
27 Andrew Hagans , who denies raping Mrs McGurk , says he only told police he did n't know her to protect her good name .
28 Well you did n't know her did you ?
29 I did know they let her home , I did n't know she had her breast off though
30 She did n't know she had it in her but she had felt the need to act .
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