Example sentences of "do [was/were] [noun] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ All I could do was scream down the phone — God knows what the listeners made of it . ’
2 All she could do was crouch in a corner and sob .
3 All she could do was stumble from the room and get out of their sight as quickly as possible .
4 ‘ All I could do was lie on the bed ’ , she says , ‘ it made me feel very ill and because of that I felt slightly depressed .
5 Horror-struck , all he could do was slam on the brakes and pray .
6 All she could do was sit on the side of the pool with one leg in the water . ’
7 ‘ I was so tired by that time that all I could do was sit in a deck-chair on the sea-front and sleep all day , but it was enough . ’
8 All he could do was sit in the corner of his cage , hoping it would all end .
9 After that all anyone could do was sit by the bed holding her hand .
10 I did go down to my local Citizens ' Advice Bureau to see if they had any ideas , but all they could do was pass on the news that there was a squeeze on the social fund ( the emergency payments fund ) , so I was well advised not to expect too much if I did decide to try the social security people .
11 All the Board of Education could do was aim for a minimum of half-time school provision by Easter .
12 All the florist had to do was check through the dates listed in the book every afternoon to see if there were any standing orders for the next day .
13 When the Syrians said , ‘ We do n't know where the hostages are but we 'll be glad to help locate them , ’ all they had to do was pick up the phone .
14 ‘ But all I needed to do was look at the support I got from the club and the fans when we were at the bottom last season .
15 All she had to do was look at the champagne the way she looked at me and you 'd be able to skate on it .
16 All you had to do was drive off the ferry , find the main road , and drive straight to Dublin .
17 There was a tradition in Wales that when club or country wanted a front row forward all they had to do was stand at the pit head and whistle .
18 I painted all mine white with some paint I had left over from an Airfix model of Apollo 11 but all I managed to do was clog up the mechanism .
19 I just could n't stand the cold any more … all I 'd have to do was roll over the side … it was time to end it all … anything would be better than this !
20 Many fans believed all they had to do was hand over the ticket stub for the Latvia game to get one for the visit of Jack Charlton 's men — that plainly is not the case .
21 All I had to do was make like a patient in a sanatorium .
22 What I wanted to do was shout into the telephone , and curse , and maybe cry a little .
23 What you had to do was listen for the echo not the report itself .
24 When all they needed to do was lift up the phone and have a quiet word .
25 If ever he used to take us for a spare lesson , all he used to do was draw on the blackboard the scrum lineouts and things .
26 All we did was go down the corridor , nothing whatsoever to do .
27 All I did was fall in the water ! ’
28 All I did was walk across the room and pull that curtain off him . ’
29 Er the fourth thing you did was introduction to the C C Q.
30 There again er there was smoke seen coming out of a bedroom , so we first of all informed base again , that there 's a fire , in a flat , secondly we did was break down the door .
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