Example sentences of "do [adv] really [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They were in neither half of the house , but in a space that did not really exist for Maggie , who never asked herself which half the house was whose , since the whole house was , for her , theirs .
2 And yet Alice kept thinking that Pat , no matter how committed she sounded now , did not really stand by Bert .
3 ‘ Constanza and I did not really talk about Michel .
4 If Labour could not win at a time of economic gloom , bolstered by the most effective campaign it has ever fought , and facing a Government whose campaign did not really come to life until the last 10 days — then when could it ?
5 France 's increased commitment to space , which dates from the late 1950s , did not really come to fruition until the late 1970s .
6 His other trouble was that he did not really agree with Eden on policy .
7 So , well before we get on to any issues to do with the structural poverty of the Third World , maintained by the wealth extracting efforts and arrangements of our Western world , we can surely see why quite a few people do not really believe in recovery through economic growth and consumption and we need to ask whether we ought to want it anyway , but people in the Tory Party and in the Labour Party in the City with a capital C and the trade unions with a Capital T and a U go on talking as if our goal must be jobs and recovery in the same old way , technologized , computerized and skillerlized of course with strong dashes of management insights and so on
8 ‘ Genesis was n't really a group to start with ; it did n't really exist at Charterhouse .
9 The image did n't really spring into life , rather vague , figure behind glass , partly Julia , partly the girl he 'd met on holiday .
10 a transcription you remember last year , we had about one week on phonetics , and John , some people came to the John talk , where we did n't really talk about phonetics script there .
11 cos really , we did n't really go into cost relations
12 So with it being another student union and it being like a conference in aid of the homeless and that , I did n't really want to sort of give them a load of grief so I suggested about sixty pounds .
13 Peter did n't really shine at school .
14 There were so many things I did n't really understand about people , about life .
15 He did n't really approve of women earning a living , but the extra income would come in useful .
16 Unfortunately Anthony usually chose college friends and Nigel did n't really take to bluestocking women .
17 ‘ I do n't really look like Manson at all , ’ he admits , ‘ but I just felt that I could do it best !
18 But then the middle classes do n't really figure in Labour 's plans , unless you count £500-a-plate fund-raising dinners at the Grosvenor Hotel .
19 Ambergate , Brighouse , Yeadon … the question is , will Bivouac be the first famous band to come from Derby , even though they do n't really come from Derby ?
20 I do n't really keep in touch with anyone from prison now .
21 ‘ I do n't really believe in marriage , but I did n't want to lose my husband either , so I gave in , ’ she explains .
22 They do n't really believe in nomes !
23 I do n't really agree with boarding schools .
24 There is no stabilized figure corresponding to the later producer or director , who does not really appear in theatre until the late nineteenth century .
25 Since it is not easy to see a distinction between their characteristic properties and some essence from which they flow , one might be tempted to think that , when Locke speaks of a coincidence of their real and nominal essence , he means that the notion of a real essence does not really apply to modes .
26 This argument does not really count against Freud , who was well aware of the cultural , institutional character of religious rituals , or of the magician 's role .
27 Gilly Hopkins idolises her mother who , as you may guess , does n't really care about Gilly at all .
28 So I remind myself that it does n't really matter about things being put back in exactly the same place in the cupboard , or precisely the same brand of tea being bought , or the carrots being cut to exactly the right dimensions .
29 It does n't really matter about Miles .
30 ‘ The hours are long , but it does n't really feel like work .
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