Example sentences of "do [adv] [vb infin] [verb] [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 I thought , I du n no picked up a guarantee for twenty quid .
2 And I did so want to dig up a few artichokes this evening .
3 She did not want to carry on a lengthy conversation with this garrulous dumb woman ; she wanted to go to bed and hug Edward Bear .
4 It was a mark of her artistic intelligence and independence that she did not choose to dish up a pot-pourri of well tried favourites for the occasion , drawing attention to herself rather than the music .
5 Other regions , which did not happen to pick up a rotation , would become oval-shaped objects called elliptical galaxies .
6 Do not forget to take along a separate sample of pond water — that in the fish bag will not be representative of your water quality .
7 We do not wish to say how a writer should organise his written discourse into paragraphs before we have managed to characterise , in any comprehensive way , how writers typically do so .
8 ONE advantage for small countries in large empires is that they do not have to think up a defence policy : their armies do what they are told .
9 He did n't want to end up a mean and ignorant man like his father , or spend the years bickering with brother Shamus .
10 THOSE Millwall fans who did n't manage to rip up a piece of turf during the chaotic farewell scenes at The Den the other week will be glad to know they 'll have the chance to pick up some of the sacred turf next week in a special auction .
11 No wonder he claims his fans are all threatening to top themselves ; they 're so stupid that they do n't realise jumping off a five-foot-high stage wo n't kill them — IM
12 ‘ This is a very painful move for us , but we do n't want to wake up a year from now and wish we had n't done it , ’ Next founder Steve Jobs told United Press International .
13 Erm and basically er the , the reason for doing it that way is that erm , I do n't want to set up a situation where erm I 'm some sort of expert and I er this is not a matching process , okay ?
14 I do n't want to bring out a girl with six CSEs or 16+s who ca n't look after her baby , so you try to cater for the individual need .
15 In fact , OS/2 provides a method of ‘ migrating ’ both DOS and Windows programs to OS/2 such that you do n't need to open either a Windows or DOS window in order to run them — it 's clever and makes using your current software that much easier .
16 But you do n't need to pay out a lot of money : a large , lidded Tupperware box with enough room for four bottles and teats , disinfected with plain sterilising tablets and changed daily , will do .
17 I do n't like killing even a fly , so I sure as hell do n't like killing babies .
18 ‘ I like the layout of this Ampeg amp — a minimum of bullshit , and you do n't have to slave over a hot graphic to find a sound .
19 The advantage of this scheme is that you do n't have to think up a new name of each backup — the nesting of one directory within another takes care of that .
20 and then erm in July , you do you do n't have to pay out a ha'penny till July and you can either pay cash and get your sixteen percent off free or you can pay terms from July .
21 Some dealers do n't mind wiping out a client in this way if they have earned enough commission from the deal .
22 If you do n't mind waiting here a second while I … ’
23 From the above results it appears that the positivity of either ANA-H or SMA-AA , although significantly associated with signs of marked immune stimulation ( higher hypergammaglobulinemia Table I ) , does not allow to rule out a coexistent hepatitis C virus infection .
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