Example sentences of "do [adv] [adv] [verb] about [art] " in BNC.

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1 A recent survey showed that over 40% of patients did not even know about the NHS reforms , let alone fundholding .
2 We did not only speak about the service , but also about other aspects of ecumenism concerning our local community .
3 Twenty years ago people argued about definitions but they did not really disagree about a system of values which centred the individual 's worth in a family context and saw counselling as the social worker 's core skill .
4 The earlier cases do not generally talk about the referee as being an expert .
5 Propositions generated by this type of reduction do not necessarily agree about the conditions under which racist positions or practices are adopted , as witness the dispute between D and E.
6 Ironically , Candy had reached her conclusions on pretty scant evidence — she did n't even know about the heated moments in Adam 's arms — if she knew how strongly Rory had responded to his touch , she 'd be completely convinced .
7 And because like , he did n't even know about the love bites !
8 She liked flowers and planted flowers in their garden but he often felt she did n't really care about the moor .
9 For London-born pro footballer Vince Hilaire , the realization was more gradual : ‘ I did n't really think about the black and white thing until I was about 14 or 15 .
10 B before I became a councillor I did n't really realize about the three tiers of local democracy .
11 Yet while he did n't much care about the outcome of Plainsong , except in a generally patriotic sense , he cared very much that it should n't fail in any way that would leave a vindictive Foreign Office with a load of blame to distribute .
12 I did n't actually talk about the intelligence assessments at all .
13 What makes it so special is the people who live and work there , who do n't just talk about the need for alternative technologies , or even just demonstrate workable alternatives but actually live by them .
14 ‘ Connect , ’ screams the gospel , ‘ do n't just talk about the faith , live it and die for it ! ’
15 ‘ But do n't just talk about the Honda riders .
16 But , I do n't even care about the back .
17 Do n't even think about the fat , but
18 Do n't even ask about the freak-out in Fés or the spring break in Chicago ( euphemistically remembered by my then girlfriend and me as ‘ the Psycho-drama Nightmare ’ ) .
19 She said there 's these hills where it 's hot and rains all the time , and in the rain forests there are these very tall trees and right in the top branches of the trees there are these like great big flowers called … bromeliads , I think , and water gets into the flowers and makes little pools and there 's a type of frog that lays eggs in the pools and tadpoles hatch and grow into new frogs and these little frogs live their whole lives in the flowers right at the top of the trees and do n't even know about the ground and once you know the world is full of things like that your life is never the same . ’
20 And there 's these hills where it 's hot and rains all the time , and in the rain forests there are these very tall trees and right in the top branches of the trees there are these like great big flowers called bromeliads and water gets into the flowers and makes little pools and there 's a type of frog that lays eggs in the pools and tadpoles hatch and grow into new frogs and these little frogs live their whole lives in the flowers right at the top of the trees and do n't even know about the ground and the world is full of things like that and now I know about them and I 'm never ever going to be able to see them and then you , ’ she gulped for breath , ‘ want me to come and live with you in a hole and wash your socks ! ’
21 Most of the public do n't often think about the Fire Service until they actually need it but I am sure they will welcome fire fighters , not only improved our confidence in the service but theirs as well .
22 ‘ But you do n't really care about a word from me , do you ? ’
23 But erm but they do n't , they do n't really complain about the complex as a whole .
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