Example sentences of "do [adv] [verb] [Wh det] [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Du n no what 's in here ?
2 I tried to say perhaps this was not possible as we did not know what was outside the car park , walls , buildings .
3 He did not know what was in the ‘ small print ’ of the contract between Orwell Transport and the tachograph analysis bureau that the company was using .
4 W did not specify any service to be rendered by A and A did not know what was in W's mind .
5 ‘ I do not believe what is on your LAWN ! ’
6 It is sad when the options are closed off because those who support do not know what is of most significance .
7 You do not know what is in it .
8 And she still did n't know what was on Luke Hunter 's mind .
9 " If he actually signed the letter it would be difficult to prove that he did n't know what was in it , " Sir Edmund observed .
10 I did n't know what was in it ; I just had the feeling that Sunil would n't thank me if the boys in blue turned it over in their usual zeal to find something to donate to the Oxfam shop .
11 because she does it , she did n't know what was in the garden , cos she had n't been there long enough , now I think that 's silly because I think you 're better waiting a couple of years , seeing what comes up
12 I was so green I did n't know what was behind it and boasted that I could become Judge 's Baby when I got back to the dressing-room .
13 It was no good my saying it sounded like a circumscribed area of peritonitis because I did n't know what was behind it
14 We do n't know what 's on the other side , if anything .
15 Right , things we 'd like to see in psychology Is there any I mean any the trouble is you do n't know what 's on the menu so it 's hard to but I mean what sort what sort of things would you like to have seen from pr what you have a ?
16 You do n't know what 's on channel one do you , at the moment ?
17 I 'm just a all tuned in but I do n't know what 's on one .
18 I do n't know what 's to be done about my memory . ’
19 The tablets change every week , and even the people who are selling them do n't know what 's in them . ’
20 That 's west unless we 're off course , in which case it 's night ; the King gave me the same as you , the King gave you the same as me : the King never gave me the letter , the King gave you the letter , we do n't know what 's in the letter ; we take Hamlet to the English King , it depending on when we get there who he is , and we hand over the letter , which may or may not have something in it to keep us going , and if not , we are finished and at a loose end , if they have loose ends .
21 I 'd get some sausages , but I do n't know what 's in them . ’
22 We do n't know what 's in that report and that 's one of the reasons why we 're calling for an independent enquiry .
23 We do n't know what 's in there do we ?
24 I do n't know what 's in it
25 I do n't know what 's in there .
26 You do n't , you do n't know what 's in that bloody stuff though , do you ?
27 Erm the best thing about this job is , you do n't know what 's round the corner .
28 They do n't know what is on their own doorsteps . ’
29 We just do n't know what is at the root of her condition . ’
30 For instance , it is no use trying to prove that a certain sequence of steps will lead to supper if you do n't know what is in your larder .
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