Example sentences of "they 've [been] [adv] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In terms of erm , return to work , er , we also er have been very good , I think , in the sense that we now offer the twenty-five per cent bonus er , after pregnancy , do n't get me wrong on that , er , what happens is , people are actually recompensed , given back the money which they 've sacrificed because they 've been away from work for six months , and they get is back over the next two years .
2 Do n't worry , they 've been away from England for ten years …
3 I mean to our children , although they 've been away from Butchwana for quite a few years now it 's still home
4 They 've been twice to Scotland , but no well they went there when they come from Australia , instead of coming straight here .
5 No matter what Bob says or Harry or any other member of the Conservative group , and I accept that they 've always been consistent on it the same as the Labour group has always been consistently against the merger I accept that they 've been consistently in favour of a total merger .
6 Mhm cos they 've been there for ages have n't they Mary do n't you think ?
7 ‘ And very careful they 've been too about period detail , Dr Cameron . ’
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