Example sentences of "they 're [not/n't] going to be " in BNC.

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1 I blink my eyes for some inkling of orientation , but the high-pitched multi-signals whine and cascade about in my head just to make things quite clear that they 're not going to be harassed into full-powered service tonight .
2 But they 're not going to be there after five or six years to help .
3 If you get somebody putting six hundred pounds for holidays , I 'll be thinking mhm you know , they 're not going to be able to do a lot on six hundred pounds a year , but when I actually get to talk to them I find they 've got a caravan , and a friend who 's got a site in North er er in North Yorkshire .
4 they , they 're not going to be allowed to go down there .
5 It 's a bit more difficult for me now , because they 've got to do things like figure-work , which they 're not going to be able to cope with .
6 They 're not going to be at all happy if they see any photographs of us together . ’
7 But then even if they do that and even if they get the franchise , they 're not going to be able to say , we can now hold on to it for five , or seven , years , however long the franchise is going to be , because if another bidder comes along in the meantime and says , we rather like this ourselves , they 'll be thrown off .
8 I mean , you can even get a situation Chairman , where you 'll get some of the big multiples will tell a , will agree specifications with a food manufacturer , but they 're not going to be able to check on the ingredients , so even though the , the , the Sainsburys and the Marks and Spencers of this world say we do n't want any er , gen genetically modified ingredients going into anything that we 're going to buy , there 's no way that they can guarantee that before we 've even bought any .
9 Do we see any difficulty in er in what were in effect saying , that the base says , we have no objection to the proposed wording from either the extra duties recognized in outline above , and they 're not going to be .
10 We 're talking here of protection , of they ca n't have waiver of premium because of ill-health , they 're not going to be able to have living assurance , so it , it 's not an option really for them to have one without the other , because it 's an automatic protection that , that really should be the basis of somebody 's package of their health commitment to have it .
11 Mm , yes , but the trouble is they 're not going to be interested in Europe , so they 're not , Western Europe .
12 If a person has become disabled through no fault of their own and they 're not going to be provided with a benefit which would compensate them for being out of work , they will suffer enormously . ’
13 His mother had two sons , and she said they 're not going to be helpless , you 've lost it stupid .
14 on April the tenth they 're not going to be able to go
15 So there is a recognition there that by the very nature of these erm proposals that they 're not going to be in accordance with one or perhaps more policies in the structure plan .
16 But like , obviously the bath and shower , cos they 're plastic , they 're not going to be exactly the same colours , so that 's quite good , you can get away with that .
17 I was in China a few years ago and was fascinated to discover there was one bicycle for every thirty Chinese , and you see they 're not going to be distributed very equally are they ?
18 Over and above that , obviously this is where the advantage to the policy holder comes in because obviously if they get a gearbox problem that 's going to cost , say , a hundred and eighty pounds in six months time , they 're not going to be able to go back to the dealer and say look I want you to put this right for me , because obviously it is outside the statutory guarantee .
19 No , they 're not going to be better , except in those isolated cases where the service provision has been produced .
20 They wo n't be able to just move on because their permanent pitches , what they call permanent pitches which I 'm not sure exactly what it is , but that is what they 're called , so presumably I mean they 're not going to be able to move on all of a sudden .
21 They 'll know , they 're not going to give , they 're not going to be given the chance to say er , er ‘ you ca n't have any more ’ , no .
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