Example sentences of "they would have [vb pp] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 To accept them would have meant a complete recantation of all his actions over the past five years .
2 If there had been less enthusiasm among the congregation for ufology , maybe they would have devised a public punishment for me .
3 He said : ‘ If the Labour group had followed our recommendations they would have gained a prestigious shopping development and made some money for the poll taxpayers into the bargain . ’
4 If they had been working logically , they would have built the new on to the old stopping here .
5 Only they would have possessed the necessary authority and material wealth at the time to take prime land — the site of a major trading warehouse — and transform it into a dog cemetery .
6 If anyone had been paying any attention , they would have seen the drooping head suddenly lift , the hands come away from the mouth , and the strained facial muscles relax .
7 If the process could eventually be made catalytic , though , they would have lost a money-spinner. h
8 However this was not a material irregularity ; the Court had heard the tape and had the jury done so , it would have confirmed their views , expressed in the verdict of guilty , because they would have heard the gruff , bass voice of the appellant , as described by the victim in his evidence , and any lingering hesitation they might have felt would have been dispelled .
9 But once it was understood that Europeans might hope to reach the fabled East by travelling West , then explorers could reasonably hope that before very long they would have mapped the whole surface of the globe .
10 The great mass of the people did not want revolution , or else they would have elected a Labour Government .
11 Had anyone been looking in the direction of Miss Danziger they would have observed a faint smile gathering at the corners of her mouth and fading as quickly as it formed .
12 There were dozens of them and they would have overpowered the future king had not a band of Chracian hunters seen what was happening and intervened .
13 Er now clearly if the if the members had si had been simply the highways committee had been deciding the preferred route simply on the basis of which gives the greatest traffic relief then on that basis they would have chosen an inner northern .
14 She could see that if the circumstances of their meeting had been happier they would have had a good drink of her mother 's secret stash of Bushmill 's and reminisced all night .
15 ‘ The whole town pretended to be scandalised , but if the boot had been on the other foot — if Sidney , or anybody else for that matter , had done the same thing to Riddle — they would have had a good laugh and it would have been looked upon as good business . ’
16 ‘ IF Bulgaria had qualified for Euro 92 they would have had a good chance of winning it .
17 This would be expected because , first , they would have been socialized into a version of mathematics nearer to that of the university ‘ modern ’ pure mathematicians than that of their elders and because , secondly , they would have had a potential interest in changes that could , within schools , challenge the seniority of their elder colleagues or , at least , they would have had less of a vested interest in current practice .
18 We know that they brought other domestic animals with them but it is inconceivable that they would have taken a wild cat from the mainland .
19 Normally they would have waited until such time as the national ballot had been held and then they would have taken the appropriate action afterwards .
20 Had Red Reg turned up here , one felt certain they would have set the whole menagerie on him .
21 Then they would have entered the conical shadow cast by the moon , and the stars would have become visible again for a brief time before the Lift sank beneath the surface itself and came to a standstill , its massive kinetic energy somehow conducted away from the lower terminus and stored in a way that Alex Bannen would have killed to learn .
22 They had prepared themselves for an unpleasant scene in which the wretched boy , stuffed to the gills with chocolate cake , would have to surrender and beg for mercy and then they would have watched the triumphant Trunchbull forcing more and still more cake into the mouth of the gasping boy .
23 More than half of our first intake acknowledged that they would have preferred a traditional course , having the study of literature as its principal component .
24 Presumably they would have preferred the British people to be kept in the dark about the state of the royal marriage as they were about Edward 's love for Mrs Simpson .
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