Example sentences of "they have been [vb pp] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Free sparring accustoms beginners to being attacked and teaches them how to handle certain situations using the techniques they have been taught up to that stage .
2 PULSARS that are members of binary systems in globular clusters are all rapidly rotating , and it is assumed that they have been spun up by accretion from binary companions .
3 By 8am they have been joined by over 50 more , and at least 80 vehicles .
4 ‘ But we are a bit concerned that they have been barricaded in by the Coal Board , so even if they want to , they can not get out .
5 The scenes on pottery described above belong to a very small minority , but they have been singled out for their outstanding interest and significance in the study of religious practices .
6 She said people receiving the letter should not worry that they have been singled out for any genuine reason .
7 Although they have been pencilled in for the Cymru Alliance next season , Llani have faint hopes of winning a reprieve if a present club pulls out of the Konica League .
8 The angle between the models is in this case preserved , indicating that they have been operated on as if they were a single model rotating about the origin .
9 They have been written about in Scotland and Wales , and a fascinating piece of field work and historical research awaits someone in this country who head .
10 The Luttrell Psalter of 1338 illustrates a watermill complete with eel traps which look very much as if they have been made out of pliant willow stems .
11 Even tin — imagine , just imagine , my dear and most esteemed Advocate , one of those medical illustrations , those écorché figures showing the skeins of muscle , the ropes of veins , in three dimensions , and then transmuted into metal , so that the tissues and channels and ducts and gristle ’ — the speaker 's hands traced intricate forms in the air in his morbid enthusiasm — ‘ look as if they have been made out of silver wire . ’
12 For many reasons they often lack the superficial selfconfidence of men , especially if they have been tied up by domesticity for years .
13 Others are those who did not adventure themselves on the Crusade , but stayed to maintain the rights of their absent lords in their proper manors and castles , but as the years passed and their lords did not return they have been turned out from their posts of trust . ’
14 The prosecution could not prove that he had encashed the giros because they are destroyed by the DSS twelve months after they have been received back from the clearing banks .
15 Consequently , the weft strands form the pattern on the face of the rug which , because they have been looped back around the warp strands , is clearly visible from both back and front .
16 Larger particles can not pass through until they have been chewed down to size .
17 The Bill was brought forward in response to the outcry from consumers and the industry about the way that , over the years , they have been ripped off by the privatised utilities and the fact that , while the regulators have made a contribution — no one would deny that — they have not done anything like enough and do not have the necessary power or resources to advance consumer interests and issues .
18 The turkeys , actually , are by Meyer Vaisman one of the baddest of the art world bad boys and they have been set out in a big free-range area at Castelli until the 17th of the month .
19 As the calculations required in this case are complex , they have been set out in Appendix 8 .
20 And Sarrance is the setting in which her group of competing story-tellers gather , after they have been driven out of the spa of Cauterets , up in the mountains , by bad weather .
21 Perhaps they have been driven out of the country and gone abroad because extra conditions have been imposed here .
22 Sometimes , like Gardencourt and possibly Poynton , they have been bought up by those who admire their antiquity , but have no connection with their land or history .
23 If , on the other hand , the firm holds shares in another company resident in the UK and itself receives dividends on those shares ( this is called franked investment income ) , the dividends are exempt from further corporation tax because they have been paid out of earnings on which corporation tax has already been paid .
24 Gary McAllister' exquisite chip six minutes from time sparked a frantic late charge from the faded champions to salvage a replay from a disastrous six days in which they have been dumped out of Europe by Rangers and mauled 4–0 at Manchester City .
25 The chief purpose of this repatriation agreement was to ensure that " all Soviet citizens liberated by forces under British command and all British subjects liberated by forces under Soviet command " should " without delay after their tiberation " be separated and properly maintained " until they have been handed over to Soviet or British authority , as the case may be " .
26 They have been spied on by the paparazzi , betrayed by trusted servants , embarrassed by indiscreet friends , and have had to endure a constant torrent of innuendo , gossip , lies and half-truths in newspapers , magazines and books — none of which are they able to repudiate .
27 They have been carried out under the ‘ Douglas-Home Rules ’ , established by the former Prime Minister in the 1960s .
28 The problems with most people , if I can generalise , is that they have been brought up on the notion that a picture has to represent something and that to them means something recognizable , like a tree , or a landscape , or a windmill , or an oast house .
29 Where children do not carry these assumptions inside them , it is because they have been brought up in an enclave that is struggling against the weight of secular pressure .
30 They have been brought up from Derby and are expected to be used on forthcoming charter excursions , possibly over the Settle-Carlisle line .
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