Example sentences of "they are in [art] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And to add to all the infamous circumstances which concur to plague a traveller , I must not forget the eternally meeting with chalk-waggons ; themselves frequently stuck fast , till a collection of them are in the same situation , and twenty or thirty horses may be tacked to each , to draw them out one by one .
2 This is because classically they have a well-defined location at a particular instant whose specification is part of what is involved in saying that they are in the same state of motion .
3 When r = 0 , u 1 = u 2 ( provided they are in the same direction ) and the correlation coefficient R of eqn ( 19.6 ) is , by definition , equal to 1 .
4 They are in the same field with Theta ; both are spirals , though of course their forms are not visible with binoculars or small telescopes .
5 They are in the same difficulty , ’ Loppe said .
6 Scotland rested in Sydney yesterday before their flight today to Hong Kong , where they are in the same pool this weekend as Tonga and Romania .
7 Bulletin boards , for example , can be used to advertise conferences or seminars to people who may be interested because they are in the same profession or may contain data packages , open for use by any user .
8 Never a great footballing side , if it was not for the fact that they are in the same League as Athletico Whaddon , they would probably be known as the Athletico Whaddon of Division Three .
9 Of course , it 's always there , but the walls and towers appear to have moved when they were not being watched , or maybe they are in the same place , but the adventurers are n't seeing the same thing all the time .
10 Now at least they are in the same boat , and the balancing of the pronouns in the last four lines declares their equality : I have quoted extensively from that sonnet in order to give the full context for this Our : what they have in common is that they have sinned , each has betrayed the other .
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