Example sentences of "they are [v-ing] a [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A group of them are taking a truck of supplies out to Romania at Easter .
2 Indeed , some of them are making a virtue of their exemption by saying that that is part of the reason for opting for trust status .
3 They are opposing a bid by the Cotton Club to stay open until 2am .
4 They are opposing a bid by the Cotton Club to stay open until 2am .
5 They are taking a hell of a lot on .
6 They are taking a risk in borrowing the cash .
7 They are a close-knit family and they are getting a lot of support from their relatives .
8 Instead , they are establishing a relationship with the audience , not by promoting the current record , but by securing a future audience for the one they have n't even made yet .
9 Accordingly when Bilbo and Frodo say they will pursue it , eagerly or wearily , till it is intersected by other roads , lives , wishes , and will then continue into the unknown , if they can , they are expressing a mixture of doubt and determination — exactly the qualities Gandalf so often recommends .
10 They are hatching a plan for Bruno to fight the new champion in China or London next spring , leaving Lewis to pursue his right to fight for the unified title through the American courts .
11 On 30 October , NBC News reported : ‘ Officials of the Drug Enforcement Administration told NBC News today they are conducting an inquiry of a top secret undercover heroin operation in the Middle East to find out whether the operation was used as cover by the terrorists who blew up Pan Am 103 almost two years ago . ’
12 They are setting a trap for me , she decided .
13 The Lewis camp said they are considering a fight with 21-year-old Hide , but manager Frank Maloney is also talking about bringing veteran Larry Holmes over to Britain .
14 And that is that in the projections of housing requirements for the City of York , not Greater York but the City of York , the County Council have a figure of four thousand four hundred households extra , but propose a provision of only three thousand three hundred dwellings extra , that 's purely within York , and the question really therefore for the County Council is I had thought that their dwelling requirements , that their , sorry their their policy H One figure for York was what they thought the requirements were , but maybe it 's what they think the limited capacity is , and they are foreseeing an overspill of thousand odd from the city of York into Greater York .
15 The soliloquy in Renaissance texts is frequently given a special prominence because readers ( and the assumption is of play readers rather than audiences witnessing a production ) believe they are experiencing a moment of privileged revelation where the dramatist reveals a character 's interiority .
16 ‘ What heroes they are leaving a bomb in a pub during a busy lunchtime in London 's West End , costing a very caring man , who made his living as a nurse helping others , his life . ’
17 Or if they are buying a pig in a poke at least they know that they are so doing .
18 Now it 's made the people , I have friends in Moscow , who are saying that they are losing a lot of their food supplies , because the West are taking the most throw down prices so that the Yugoslavs and the Romanians can get the goodies they want for us .
19 Motivation is often increased if it is made clear to a group that they are covering a topic on behalf of the whole class and that their results will be shared by the rest of the class .
20 Well they are spending a fortune on hounding Paul .
21 They are spending a lot of money in the South West on cleaning up the beaches .
22 Whether they are crossing a river in a coracle to retrieve vital clues or assembling coloured cubes blindfolded and guided by duck whistles , each group 's success lies in working together as a team .
23 It is not just evident in the theme parks , but in the design of back offices , too , where they are giving a message to employees that this is what the company is about . ’
24 So when they are doing a piece of work on the senses they would do this worksheet as part of that either as homework in the school library or in the local library , or as part of a classroom exercise with the teacher and the librarian present …
25 But they are gaining an inch at a time , thought Floy , in horror ; they are stretching muscle and flesh .
26 They know their stuff inside out , but most importantly they also look like they are having a whale of a time .
27 They are having a series on professional women at work .
28 This is because they are having an argument about the politics of disarmament , whereas the men are discussing sex education in a much less polarised way .
29 This afternoon we learned that they are arranging a trip for us to Wuxi , a city in beautiful surroundings between here and Shanghai .
30 And I mean I su everyone has to resign themselves I think to some extent but the fact that they are playing a role within their work situation .
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