Example sentences of "they are [prep] [be] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Therefore , some of the tools developed in paper — based records management need substantial rethinking and extensions if they are to be effective in the context of electronic records management . ’
2 It is important for lawyers to know not only the statutory provisions and procedural rules of child care law but also the principles of good social work practice if they are to be effective in care proceedings .
3 All issues have to have approval from the Bank of England if they are to be re-discountable at the Bank of England and attain eligible status .
4 When the press gets wind of it , the cronyism gives way to abuse of power , as people whose worst offence is to have arranged expensive air trips are smeared with the rumour that they are to be subject to criminal investigation .
5 Many of the issues to be considered in this book will be relevant to such negotiated terms ; however , if they are to be subject to negotiation , the initial approach to drafting may be different from that taken to drafting typical back of order terms .
6 Society itself is , notoriously , changing very rapidly , and the possibility has to be considered that we are entering a period where the notions and the realities of political coercion , of production of wealth , and of cognition and legitimation , may need to be modified if they are to be useable in our actual social environment .
7 Those with no record of social security contributions , in other words new entrants to the labour market , have to work at least 26 weeks if they are to be eligible for Unemployment Benefit when they lose their jobs .
8 Local authorities are to retain overall control of community care services , but they are to be responsible for planning , finance and regulation rather than direct provision .
9 The more shots you fire into somebody , the more likely they are to be dead at the end of it .
10 Those who are not teachers , whether they are concerned with the good of society or with the good of certain individual children , will even more certainly look to what happens after school if they are to be satisfied with what goes on in school itself .
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