Example sentences of "they might [vb infin] [verb] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Blues looked as if they might struggle to punch a hole in a paper bag , let alone score .
2 Anyway , you were asleep when it happened but they might want to have a word , so — ’
3 Some men from Muftah were descended from Sidi Hasan , the saint whose tomb is at the centre of the cemetery in Ajdabiya , and they might intervene to bring a quarrel to an end .
4 It always ferments the idea in criminals minds that they might like to have a go at something like that themselves .
5 They might like to make a family of their own with fewer members , and a simple house in which they can live .
6 It seems they might like to get a lot of things .
7 erm so no certainly they asked me about it and so on but I think that rather like their food forum they might like to get a communications forum going erm because they 've been thinking about having a Business Club and various other things because they 're involved with the Management Programme and all sorts of things and they maybe going to do some training for heads and people like that
8 And , again , they might call to mind a passage from Ritschl 's eulogistic reference that had made Nietzsche 's earlier appointment possible : " His studies so far have been weighted towards the history of Greek literature … with special emphasis , it seems to me , on the history of Greek philosophy .
9 By this time they might have gained a portfolio They might well have got hooked .
10 They might have precipitated a split between moderate and radical wings of the labour movement comparable to that which proved so critical to the stabilization of the West in the aftermath of the First World War .
11 On another day , they might have scored a handful but this was n't the night .
12 Surely they might have got a cleaner , or a waiter , or even some other member of the committee . ’
13 They might have forced a lot of corners , but they created nothing from them .
14 If she 'd taken her courage in both hands , and told him of her true feelings , they might have had a chance to work something out .
15 Did you say somebody called but perhaps they had a key though , I wo n't say anything to her , they might have had a key .
16 If they 'd played badly they might have expected a hiding .
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