Example sentences of "they should be [vb pp] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As a result , they should be fed on live foods , if possible , such as white worms , bloodworms , daphnia , tubifex worms and mosquito larvae .
2 Feeding : Like C ephippium they should be fed on canned Norwegian brine shrimp and freeze-dried foods — in particular brine shrimp and Tubifex worms .
3 " If , as claimed by France , the tests are harmless " , said Somare , " then they should be conducted in metropolitan France " .
4 They should be sited on bare earth ( not concrete ) and protected from the prevailing wind .
5 They should be compared with other professional organizations , such as the National Association of Salvadorean Nurses , which have published lists of armed incursions into hospitals by the security forces , together with the names of patients , doctors and nurses who have been killed .
6 If not , they should be altered by special resolution prior to the matter being brought before the court .
7 Notably absent from the CBI 's understanding of the problems of inner cities was any notion that they should be met by national economic policy .
8 They should be seen as complementary contributions to the wider management of our transport , environmental and social objectives .
9 A large proportion of our forces had to be ready to travel to distant theatres of war and it was uneconomic that they should be composed of National Servicemen , admirably though those carried out their duties … .
10 Whilst the provisions of the agreement should when drafted accurately reflect what the partners desire to happen in certain specified events or , at any rate , what the partners may have agreed as a satisfactory basis for subsequent negotiation or a sufficient fall-back position if those negotiations should break down , they should be kept under regular review .
11 Therefore it has been seen as right that they should be kept under male control .
12 If decisions are to be made about the deployment of resources or the implementation of the curriculum then they should be made on accurate and reliable information .
13 Merton was dismayed that Mannheim distinguished between ‘ cultural science ’ and ‘ exact science ’ ; for Merton they should be treated as similar forms of knowledge because they are based on equivalent epistemologies .
14 They have got to demand in the politest possible way , but in the most determined way , that they should be treated as responsible citizens whatever their walk of life People take others at their own evaluation .
15 When tip , semi-hardwood or heel cuttings have produced roots , they should be transferred to individual pots , about 5–9 cm ( 2–3½ in ) diameter , depending on the amount of root growth , and potted in the normal way to grow into small plants .
16 They should be regarded as basic guidelines and adapted to the many possible variables , such as type of employment , level of responsibility , age/experience of the candidates .
17 We suggest that they should be regarded as potential heart and cornea donors .
18 ‘ Any criticism against the centres by this independent body surely confirms the view that they should be covered by statutory regulations , ’ said Hodgkin .
19 They should be ignored in normal practice and disinfection should be assumed to have taken place only at the time a chemical has been applied and after the requisite contact time has elapsed .
20 They should be planted in moist soil that is high in organic content for best results .
21 They should be planted in fibrous loam and in a basket so that the depth may be increased as the plant develops .
22 Pest control and hygiene should not be seen as separate operations ; rather , they should be combined as essential components of good hygiene practice .
23 The fact that investment trusts do not continually take in new funds and channel them to ultimate borrowers obviously raises the question of whether they should be considered as financial intermediaries at all .
24 However , the subfamilies posses characters which suggest that they should be considered as full families .
25 They should be housed in dust-free Perspex hoods and ideally fitted with heated stages and warming blocks set to 36 1C .
26 One view is that they should be allocated in discounted present value form to individuals who gain from them .
27 This is not to say that such proposals must be accepted at face-value but they should be subjected to specific criticism rather than rejected in toto as merely a device for getting workers to ‘ participate ’ in their own exploitation .
28 The strong flavours of culinary herbs ensure that they should be used in small quantities , but there is no need to go to the other extreme and be timid with them .
29 Their methods , assessing the value to science of published papers , have met great hostility from several of Britain 's leading astronomers , who believe they should be judged by conventional ‘ peer group ’ methods .
30 These residents , mostly old people , were determined to stay in the area , and the plan was put forward that they should be re-housed in nearby Innes Place .
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