Example sentences of "they can not be [vb pp] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The ‘ stepped pyramids ’ may be characteristic of the Cornish landscape , but they can not be said to sit naturally in it .
2 On the right , while Italian and German agents were active in Spain and sympathetic to the Spanish right , they can not be said to have exerted pressure upon it or materially to have assisted it in subverting the Republic .
3 Since such orders are not the product of a directing intelligence they can not be said to have a particular purpose .
4 Though the novels of the Quartet are linked by common characters and motifs , they can not be said to have a continuous story line .
5 The difficulty with these checks is that they can not be adjusted to trap the returning hammers without hindering their upward motion .
6 Teachers are told that what they do is vitally important , that they alone can translate and extend the National Curriculum into rich comprehensive learning opportunities and at the same time that they can not be trusted to do the job .
7 The losses are effectively " ring-fenced " so they can not be used to offset gains arising on the disposal of the purchasing group 's assets .
8 The third key characteristic is that the actual value of all the variables which according to equation ( 6.7 ) determine should be known at the end of period t - 1 ; otherwise they can not be used to predict .
9 Fastness to light may be a problem , but this does not mean that they can not be used to make finished pieces .
10 Certainly the use of light pens can ease the editing and manipulation of an image once it 's on the screen but they can not be used to copy a picture from a sheet of paper .
11 While there are a number of on-screen drawing programs which allow the creation and manipulation of an image but they can not be used to copy a picture from a sheet of paper .
12 On the other hand they can not be expected to do their job efficiently unless they have a substantial background of experience in commanding large public transport aircraft or their military equivalents .
13 They can not be expected to read every piece of intelligence that pours into Whitehall .
14 Obviously they can not be expected to vet all the publications they sell , and it would be grossly unfair to hold them responsible for libels of which they could have no knowledge .
15 But I have some sympathy for the institutions ' view that their duty is to their policyholders and they can not be expected to double up as company regulators .
16 They can not be expected to consider the inflationary consequences of their commercial activities .
17 They can not be expected to know this , given inadequate food labelling . ’
18 But they become less and less likely to make further sacrifices , until , when they are literally on their last legs , they can not be persuaded to give up any more limbs , no matter how hard the killer grabs hold of them .
19 They can not be permitted to isolate their child and view him or her as different from other blacks ; rather they must perceive their child to be an extension of other black people .
20 This uncertainty might , on the one hand , encourage social commentators in the attitude expressed by a writer in The Economist in 1848 : ‘ In our condition suffering and evil are nature 's admonitions ; they can not be got rid of ; and the impatient attempts of benevolence to banish them from the world by legislation , before benevolence has learnt their object and their end , have always been productive of more evil than good . ’
21 The varied articles presented introduce the reader to some of the most recent strands of linguistics and literary studies but they can not be thought to constitute a unified discipline .
22 In 1912 the same principle was reaffirmed to W. A. S. Hewins by Bonar Law , in a letter that was actually drafted for him by Steel-Maitland : " If a constituency definitely refuses to accept a candidate , even if the Central Office wish them to do so , they can not be forced to take action against their will .
23 ‘ We do not want to bypass the elected representatives , but they can not be allowed to hold up progress .
24 However , they can not be allowed to operate as completely autonomous or ad hoc bodies .
25 But since ministers , including the Prime Minister , are so fond of using statistics for the purposes of debate , they can not be allowed to make the contradictory claim that these figures are irrelevant .
26 But it is never simply a formal abstraction , for the female nude is also seen as a testimony to feelings , traces of desires which , whilst they can not be allowed to dominate , are never entirely absent .
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