Example sentences of "they can not be [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This will account for the fact that although it is the obvious lesson of Darwinism that species mutate , they can not be said to be aware of this nor in any sense to change themselves .
2 There are even those who ask why they can not be inspected by those who advise them .
3 This , together with the self–selecting nature of the sample , means that while the findings can aid understanding of the factors involved they can not be generalised to the wider population .
4 All behaviouristic theories of cognition are viciously third-personal , where that expression signifies , first , that they can not be applied to the first-person perspective and , second that our ability to apply them to the third person really rests on our bringing to bear first-person knowledge : as with rats in mazes , where my plain and unreduced apprehension of the rat 's environment enables me to see its grasp of that environment in terms of its behaviour within it .
5 Data analysis techniques were largely developed to cater for the implementation of database systems , although that does not mean that they can not be applied to non-database situations .
6 If there is a single currency and economies get out of line , they can not be adjusted by movements of the exchange rate , which is the normal way — so what happens ?
7 Acts like eating , sexual intercourse , and fighting are embedded in a socially shared set of associated symbols , and they can not be isolated from this semantic setting .
8 They can not be invoked against persons ‘ knowingly concerned in the contravention . ’
9 Some risks are so great that they can not be tolerated under any circumstances , while others are so low that they can be tolerated without further justification ; between these extremes , assessment is needed .
10 Not all bishops were employed by the king and some of them had acquired their sees in the face of royal opposition ; they can not be dismissed as king 's men .
11 These deposits are then frozen — they can not be withdrawn by the banks .
12 Although every parent has the right in the fullness of time to decide whether he or she feels they can cope with their child , they can not be placed in a position of absolute power over its life if they have an extremely misleading impression of the form that that child 's life might take .
13 They can not be fixed in advance but are conditional on context because they relate not to sentences but to utterances .
14 Then again , too many young people have been through the finals course , often at considerable financial hardship to themselves or their families , only to find that they can not be absorbed into a recession-hit profession .
15 Such players as Clive Allen and Tony Cottee are shockingly under-valued these days because they can not be relied upon to step up their work-rate , to coin a phrase .
16 Furthermore , these circumstances are said to be essentially heterogeneous , so that they can not be seen as aspects of one large contradiction ; each is a contradiction within a particular social totality .
17 These features make the life of reconstituted families very complex ; they can not be seen as enclosed entities in the same way as cereal-packet nuclear families are .
18 These eggs are so small they can not be seen with the naked eye .
19 In these circumstances they can not be seen to be sacrificing their independence for that would undermine their claims to being objective in taking decisions at work .
20 They can not be seen from the village , but are visible from Anglesey across the Menai Strait .
21 PI : Locks Warranty : In addition to withdrawing keys from locks , the keys must now also be placed where they can not be seen by a would be thief .
22 keys are withdrawn from the locks fitted to the Home and placed where they can not be seen by anyone intent on making an unauthorised entry
23 keys are withdrawn from the locks fitted to the Home and placed where they can not be seen by anyone intent on making an unauthorised entry
24 Since they can not be planned in terms of the students ' likely destinations , they must have some other kind of rationale or logic .
25 They can not be manufactured by our bodies .
26 Like vitamins , they can not be manufactured by the body , so they must be provided in our daily diet .
27 But without wealth they can not be tackled at all .
28 The user currently logged on to LIFESPAN via PI is not the associated user of the DCs listed , therefore they can not be activated via the package .
29 While one can point to broad influences upon the formation of individual and group goals , in pluralist studies goals are more frequently treated as problematic — they can not be determined on a priori grounds through examining objective circumstances .
30 It is actually a binary , but the two components are so close together that they can not be separated with ordinary telescopes .
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