Example sentences of "they have [adv] [verb] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 K. R. Whenever they had a raid on the Chinese gambling , they took them all in the cells and they all sent out for Chinese meals , and when they 'd all gone to the Main Bridewell in the middle of the night — ‘ 125 , scrub out ! ’ — and I had to take my tunic off and scrub out after the Chinese had been .
2 They 'd never amount to a fortune — not at a penny a hundred points — but at least they paid for a few packets of cigarettes .
3 They 've just turned to the zone game after generations of the sweeper system .
4 They 've already written to the Secretary of State and said dear Secretary of State we 're going to send this to you because it is a departure but please Secretary of State do not call it in do not exercise your powers .
5 Mr Baker 's party takes a different view ; they 've only to explain to the public how we 're going to succeed if we do n't invest in our own future , in our education and training and in good social services for our people , because I do n't see how it can be done .
6 dear oh dear , and she said to me well they can get these crook locks , they 've only got to a , they 've only got to bend the steering wheel , I said will
7 No , a Sierra , a Sierra the whole lot comes up , yes , but they 've now changed to a Sapphire and the Sapphire is just the boot , yeah ?
8 They 've all gone to the funeral , ’ said Lydia .
9 They had just got to the part about Dora 's Naughty Friend .
10 They had just returned to the courtyard and were about to examine the various outbuildings when they heard the sound of running footsteps .
11 They had just returned to the flat after a long , lazy picnic in the September sunshine , to find Elise out .
12 Why he felt as if they had just agreed to an illicit liaison he did not know , unless it was the air of sexual invitation this woman wore as other women wore perfume , the practised composition of glance and gesture that she used to imply everything whilst proposing nothing .
13 After several such pairings , the dogs learned to salivate to the music just as they had previously salivated to the food .
14 I realized he could not catch them , because they had nearly got to the ship , but I did not wait to see the end of that adventure .
15 They had probably listened to the sound of the tunnel being carefully pushed into their zone .
16 During the last phase of the scheme 's existence , when storage problems became increasingly pressing and the scheme 's abolition imminent , artists were encouraged to keep at home the works of art they had officially sold to the government .
17 It was odd enough to see that rather feminine room crammed full with so many stern , dark-jacketed gentlemen , sometimes sitting three or four abreast upon a sofa ; but such was the determination on the part of some persons to maintain the appearance that this was nothing more than a social event that they had actually gone to the lengths of having journals and newspapers open on their knees .
18 They had all reacted to the door opening , as if he 'd thrown a grenade into the room and they were frozen .
19 One by one they have just sunk to the bottom of the tank without any sign of ill health .
20 But they have also rallied to a call to save their privileged world — as women they must protect their children , their families , their religion and , above all , their enormous wealth .
21 They have also written to the Prince of Wales , asking for his support .
22 They have also led to a narrowing of the range of political views represented in the press ; as newspapers which voiced liberal and social democratic/Labour views ( News Chronicle , Daily Herald ) have closed down , the dominance of the Conservative press has become more pronounced .
23 For some centuries , natural law theories have provided political and social groups , as well as individuals , with justifications for their actions ( Bloch , 1961 ) but for even longer they have also contributed to an understanding and legitimation of institutions such as the church , the monarchy and the state .
24 They have also pointed to the need to replace reliance on nuclear weapons to the maximum extent practicable .
25 Now they have finally agreed to an Ulster Branch request for an evening fixture and will fly into the province immediately after wrapping up the English part of their trip on the previous Wednesday .
26 They have already complained to the waiter without satisfaction , so they have descended on the reception desk demanding to see the manager .
27 We half expected them to come back a few days later , but they have never returned to the barn we prepared so painstakingly for them , although they are still sometimes seen in the vicinity .
28 Having denounced the election as a ‘ stinking farce ’ designed to hand Cambodia over to Vietnam , they have suddenly warmed to the democratic ideal and are now denouncing the CPP for resisting the result .
29 Most of which I know some of them have already come to an end like Julie 's E S
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