Example sentences of "they be [adj] [prep] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 In societies where there is a strong emphasis on certain goals , but where the means for obtaining them are unavailable to most citizens , the result is a situation of anomie ; a situation , in other words , where the rules and standards governing behaviour have lost their influence and force and are liable to be ignored , and where shared norms or rules no longer determine and direct behaviour .
2 Most of them are available with turbocharged engines below the 2-litre tax break .
3 Many of them are unhappy about current proposals .
4 People tend to assume that parents of mentally handicapped children and those who work with them are gifted with abnormal powers of patience and understanding , or suffused with some form of religious or social awareness that make them adopt a sacrificial purpose in life .
5 Rumour has it that most of them are unhedged at these levels : they did not expect the currency to rise this far .
6 Associative feminist psychologies make unstable , continually changing liaisons with these social objects ; and so they are associative in two senses .
7 Unlike para-hyponyms , however , they are normal in coordinated lists :
8 They are close to those regions of the brain which are involved in controlling sleep and alertness and exchange large amounts of information with these areas .
9 They are close to psychological notions of qualitative , subjective methods .
10 Such tasks may have been stated so that they are open to interpretation and worded so that they are accessible to most pupils , rather than aimed at a notional difficulty level .
11 Clearly , conscious processes are central to an individual 's own experience , but most of us remain neutral as to whether they are central to cognitive processes given that many , if not most , of these are not conscious .
12 Obviously a great deal will depend on the ability the clergyman to communicate in ways the family find helpful so that they feel they are central to these arrangements .
13 By the same token they are unsuitable for small rooms , and would be so even if their considerable bulk was n't so dominating in such surroundings .
14 I have taken those of Greer as a basis for discussion , not because his books are more sexist or pro-capitalist than other textbooks used in 16+ examination preparation , but because they are typical of such textbooks .
15 Pair-bonds are comparatively rare in reptiles , and although they are typical of certain mammals , such as beavers , jackals , foxes and gibbons , this is not the typical mammalian grouping .
16 The elder and his dwindling following claim that misfortunes are the judgment of the outraged ancestors ; his opponents — led by those who covet his position — claim they are due to intolerable acts of malicious witchcraft , providing incontrovertible proof that their author is no longer fit to retain his exalted office .
17 A finance director challenged about the emergence of unexpected cash flow problems may be able to point out that they are due to invoicing delays caused by the breakdown of a new computer system , purchased and installed without sufficient thought and against his advice .
18 They are present in varying degrees throughout the period of this book ; the degree of their influence , their role in the construction of social consensus or in unifying disparate social forces is another factor that must be taken into account .
19 This mechanism apparently exerts a lesser action on transcripts of the deleted genes possibly because they are present in lower concentrations .
20 Minor or the trace constituents then are present in concentrations less than one part per million they obviously count for less than point one percent of the total salts They are useful as chemical tracers of particular waters .
21 Bluntly , if the services and stock of the public library are under-used , they are vulnerable to financial cuts .
22 But it is important to remember that they are two to three kilometres beneath the surface of the sea , and in some cases thousands of kilometres from the shore .
23 His enforced absence for the remainder of the season is a cruel blow to the Edinburgh side for they are one of four clubs sitting in the danger zone .
24 They are one of three finalists in the search for the national family of the year .
25 No numerical illustrations are given because it is the very nature of the techniques described that they are successful on large problems — too large to illustrate explicitly here .
26 They are appropriate in different circumstances but each provides simple , clear , and unambiguous ways of describing the logic of what happens in a particular process .
27 Industrial members , who constitute over half the Institute 's membership , are effectively in the same position as the public as far as the Caparo decision is concerned , since they are involved with other companies ' audited accounts in their capacity of investor or creditor , but their voice is rarely heard and , even then , is ignored .
28 Concepts of social movement are therefore synonymous with problems of social change , for they are antagonistic to conservative beliefs ; and this gives a further insight into why the idea of social research is antithetical to police thought and has seditious connotations for an institution in which metaphors of stasis are of paramount importance .
29 These parties claim that they are different from traditional Marxist — Leninist parties in three major respects : they are critical of certain aspects of the Soviet Union ; they are independent of Moscow so that if they were to win an election and form a government they would not be Soviet puppets ; and they claim that it is possible to implement communism and maintain traditional democratic institutions .
30 Although these themes are introduced sequentially , it is proposed that they are relevant for all periods of 10th century design : ‘ paradoxes of a machine age ’ , ‘ sources of inspiration ’ , ‘ internationalism ’ , ‘ graphics for communication ’ , ‘ mass consumption ’ , ‘ form follows function ? ’ and ‘ values in making ’ .
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