Example sentences of "they be [verb] the [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 Shareware libraries provide you with a program on disk for a ‘ nominal ’ sum — they are providing the program for free , and charging only for the disk , duplicating and administration , all of which includes a small amount of profit , I suppose .
2 The surprising point that has occurred with regard to my own business is that other supposed chartered accountants have been preparing fully audited accounts without ever setting foot in the premises that they are conducting the audit for .
3 Full-time overseas students who become ill after arrival in the UK may obtain National Health Service treatment without charge , provided that they are attending the University for 6 months or more .
4 They are suing the firm for allegedly flying them into a war zone at a time when both British and American governments were aware an invasion was taking place .
5 They are banging the gong for breakfast , we must run .
6 And they say they 're lobbying the government for more cash to build new premises .
7 Oh yeah , they 're scurrying the cellar for some We 've found two more for you .
8 They 're clearing the way for the new 600 series and we 're seeing the first evidence of the Japanese working practises .
9 oh well they 're celebrating the collection for his garden
10 All that does mean to the client , they 're paying the premium for twenty thousand for that period , that they 'll never ever claim on .
11 While exploring the question of whether bees can use information about direction gathered on the flight back from the food , we transported foragers caught as they were leaving the hive for natural sources to an artificial feeder in the middle of a large car park hundreds of metres from the hive .
12 The waitress added up the modest sum , and then asked them regretfully if they were leaving the district for good .
13 His rigorous moral choice against communism strengthened a sense of moral superiority among the Germans , who felt that they were holding the fort for the free world :
14 As Melody put it to Seb when they were discussing the matter for the umpteenth time at the farm , ‘ You go up there and try to tell 'em Anna should n't be marrying Nahum Plunkett and they 'll tear you to pieces and feed you to the dogs . ’
15 They were given the go-ahead for England and Wales by the National Council for Vocational Qualifications [ NCVQ ] in June , and as we went to press were awaiting final approval from the equivalent Scottish body , SCOTVEC , and Northern Ireland .
16 Almost before we 'd begun to really talk , visiting time was over and they were ringing the bell for everyone to leave .
17 we rehearsed it and we rehearsed it and I mean I did n't mind they were paying the bill for and I literally with a college took up residence for several days before it in a local hotel and we went through it in every fine detail
18 If so , they were preparing the path for the closer integration of French provinces achieved in the thirteenth century .
19 All the land to build those homes on , they was given the land for that re recreation ground , and I believe they should hand that back to the parish and the people .
20 They dug it up when they was making the trench for the pipes to the new vehicle examination extension .
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