Example sentences of "they be [verb] [adv] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 The woody floras of those forests that are surrounded on all sides by arid woodlands consist of species with wide neotropical distributions and many of them are found elsewhere in a wide range of habitats while few are restricted to montane forest .
2 ( Because they are stumbling backwards over a precipitation of hasty , inside-out clothes , say . )
3 Cheddars may be hard or semi-hard ; they are pressed lightly for a matter of hours and then more firmly for a short period of days .
4 They are disputed only by a sonar depth reading of 297 m , recorded in 1969 ; but we have found no depth over 220 m in the area scanned in 1969 .
5 It claimed that people feel more in control of their lives if they are inching forward on a journey , rather than waiting for something to happen .
6 ‘ I wonder ’ , she said , ‘ whether any of you three who know how to spell cat have learned how to read a whole group of words when they are strung together in a sentence ? ’
7 After about a dozen movements have been learned , they are strung together in a kata sequence and practised over and over again before going on to the next set of kata movements .
8 They are seen increasingly as an economic liability .
9 In a book which was actually about statistics , A. L. Bowley once established four rules to guide designers of schedules and questionnaires.3 They are given below as a starting point for our discussions .
10 Against this , J.H. Gagnon and William Simon have argued in their book Sexual Conduct that sexuality is subject to ‘ socio-cultural moulding to a degree surpassed by few other forms of human behaviour ’ , and in so arguing they are building both on a century of sex research and on a century of questioning the notion of ‘ natural man ’ .
11 This is partly to get higher wages , but it is really so because jobs are run-of-the-mill and they are looking simply for a change of venue , a new setting , and new faces .
12 They want a baby they 're not concerned whether it 's going to have spina-bifida or have som , they are looking forward for a perfect baby .
13 Work is well on , but they are looking particularly for an Aldis gun sight for the project .
14 I know any number of indigent dames who have found such employment , and they are treated quite as a member of the family . ’
15 We can imagine the formation of such a chemical bond as requiring that a spring be compressed to bring the substances close to one another , at which point they are held together by a catch , as the jack is held in a jack-in-the-box .
16 At other times during the day they are brought together as a whole group to talk and discuss , to make music and to listen to stories .
17 ‘ At the most , they are confined only for a century or two .
18 So , if they are paddocked lower on a hillside , they frequently wear a track with restless pacing along the highest fence — rather than along any other .
19 Consequently , data which are collected for one particular analysis or processing application are unsuitable where they are required elsewhere for a different purpose .
20 They are put forward at a time when industry uncertainty about the result of the current energy policy debate is starting to affect confidence in future investment offshore and halfway through a licensing round when industry application have already been made , ’ a statement said .
21 When canal boats are taken out of the water for repairs they are winched sideways up a slipway .
22 So what do parents require if they are to function effectively as a family ?
23 Thus , even though the 12 member states are following the same rules , they are doing so at a different pace , which further complicates an already complex situation . ’
24 Some very basic massage strokes are outlined here , but they are meant only as a guide to enable you to begin to develop your own intuitive style .
25 Could it be that they are discriminating unfairly against a gipsy family ?
26 Erm the shot gun is preferable in these cases , the fact that er they are used generally as a support weapon erm should we ent encounter any problems in the area that I was covering , this was thought to be the best weapon capable of doing that job .
27 If graded tests are widely adopted within a school and if they are used properly as a means of assessing individual pupils ' ability and knowledge , according to their progress along the path of expertise , then the school must be prepared for classes that are grouped vertically , not horizontally .
28 And why I mention that is that the purpose of these people coming they are commercial they are coming here on a commercial basis .
29 Unfortunately , people can die before they reach retirement and some of their spouses may have a rude shock when they discover that instead of receiving a huge pension fund , they are entitled only to a return of the premiums .
30 The universe , in fact , is expanding ( although that 's another talk really ) and for the present purpose the important thing is that they 're moving away at a speed which increases with their distance and so if we can measure the speed that they 're moving away from us , then we can find their distance , and that takes us to the edge of the universe .
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