Example sentences of "on which it have be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 C. , 1976 ) the court indicated that while it would determine the existence and the scope of the prerogative power , it would not review the propriety or adequacy of the grounds on which it had been exercised .
2 This was the 10th occasion on which Congress had requested the appointment of a special prosecutor , and only the first on which it had been denied by an Attorney General .
3 In the United States , it has been found that a diet very rich in unrefined high-fibre starch has caused remission of the disease in 85 per cent of the adult-onset diabetic patients on which it has been tested .
4 If we conduct an interventive experiment , and inject a drug which results in an animal not performing some task on which it has been trained ‘ correctly ’ ( I wo n't bother putting that word into inverted commas henceforward ; I have already spelled out that what we read as correct in an animal 's behaviour is interpreted by our criteria , not necessarily by its own ) , how can we be sure that what has been blocked or disturbed is the memory rather than the motor or sensory activity on which its expression depends ?
5 The Bank publishes the total amount of this so called late assistance , although not the terms on which it has been granted .
6 The figure also illustrates the processes shown schematically in Fig. 20.5 ; the longer the dye streak has been inside the turbulent region , the wider is the range of length scales on which it has been distorted .
7 ( 1 ) Where the Council refuses an application for recognition it shall notify the applicant of the refusal and of the grounds on which it has been refused .
8 Remarkably , although the Amateur Championship first took place in 1885 , this is only the third occasion on which it has been staged in Ireland .
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