Example sentences of "with as [det] [noun sg] [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I doubt it , ’ Lucy said with as much calm as she could muster , trying to ignore the surge of misery growing within her .
2 He thinks he can play spoof , but I usually come out of the pub legless with as much money as I went in with .
3 A small frown drew her brows together and she arched back to look at him with as much objectivity as she could summon up .
4 The words were invested with as much sarcasm as she could muster .
5 Of course we were supplied with as much milk as we wanted , plenty of milk .
6 With as much robustness as he could spare , he said that he did n't think the director had meant to be flippant .
7 Shivers running through her , she said with as much insouciance as she could muster , ‘ I 'm very tired , and it 's work tomorrow .
8 Better carry off an embarrassing situation with as much panache as she could muster .
9 D'Arcy smiled with as much charm as he could muster .
10 ‘ The chalets are kept for group bookings , ’ Lucy explained with as much patience as she could muster .
11 Standing up slowly , she faced him with as much composure as she could muster .
12 ‘ What are dialectics ? ’ said Anthony , looking for his agent 's kit-bag and make-up case on the baggage trolley at Frankfurt Airport and speaking with as much truculence as he could ever muster .
13 ‘ Not exactly , ’ she answered at last with as much honesty as she could without giving anything away .
14 To make the best use of Windows you will need at least a 386SX based computer with as much memory as you can afford .
15 She eyed , with as much dispassion as she could muster , the broad athlete 's physique of the man opposite her across the white-clothed table .
16 Stifling her impatience , Shannon waited another half-hour , then , moving with as much stealth as she could muster , pulled on a jacket , slung the hold-all over her shoulder , and tiptoed quietly towards the door .
17 You 'll need to tune string 6 down to D and then pick , pull-off and hammer-on with as much percussiveness as you can muster .
18 He marched out into the corridor with as much aplomb as he could muster .
19 ‘ What are you doing here ? ’ she asked with as much control as she could muster .
20 He turned and walked from the dressing room with as much control as he could muster .
21 ‘ All right , ’ I had said listlessly , disconcerting my mother considerably , since I was perfectly aware that she had expected me to turn down this preposterous proposal with as much intractability as I had turned down the others .
22 He was determined to regain as much of his former abilities as he could and each time he began his rehabilitation with as much vigour as he could muster .
23 He was determined to regain as much of his former abilities as he could and each time he began his rehabilitation with as much vigour as he could muster .
24 In some ways he was a throw-back to another era when golfers swung the golf club rather than tried to hit the ball with as much power as they could command .
25 Help them to like what they see and to accept it with as much encouragement as you can give .
26 " Enjoy what you do in it and treat it with as much care as you do your home . "
27 My book shows that Modigliani was not that gloomy pessimist of morbid temperament who ‘ destroyed himself with as much care as he put into constructing his talent ’ , but that he never doubted his worth nor the imminence of success .
28 ‘ You do n't mind my using the house as if it were my own ? ’ he cried with as much boisterousness as he could muster , waving the bottle like a flag .
29 I did n't mean no harm , ’ tightening her grip with as much fervour as she held the loaf .
30 Meryl extricated a copy of the Sunday Shocker from the rack with as much nonchalance as she could muster , and hid it within the folds of her own more conservative newspaper as soon as she had paid for them both .
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