Example sentences of "with his [noun] [verb] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 That magnate looks quite diminished as he crouches in the forward seat with his cloak wrapped awkwardly about him ; but how gloriously his underling has been transformed .
2 He had a large head with his hair cut right into the wood , piggy eyes and a broad flat nose that looked like it had been well punched in its day .
3 Milosh leaped on to the great horse Koulash and rode off , with his lance turned backward over his shoulder .
4 It is as if the Poet were tackling time face to face , confronting , wrestling with time , with his Friend standing apart as the prize in the competition .
5 Teenager Lee Ellison captured the headlines , and attracted League scouts to Feethams , with his goal scoring earlier in the season .
6 Presently Miriam entered the room and found him , half dressed , sitting on his bed with his head resting wearily against the pillows .
7 YASSER ARAFAT , the Palestine Liberation Organisation leader , emerged bruised but with his popularity enhanced yesterday from a crash landing of his aircraft in a Libyan desert sandstorm .
8 The company sent the editor a gift of a new product , with his name emblazoned all over the top .
9 With his position slipping badly in the opinion polls , he took a gamble by electing to appear with his wife on a prime-time television current affairs programme , on Jan. 27 , in order to address the charges .
10 Louis moved down the Rhine by ship from Worms , Charles with his horsemen travelled overland across the Hunsrück ( " a difficult route " on which the benefits of hard training showed ) , to meet up at Koblenz on 18 March .
11 With his cuts bandaged tightly with handkerchiefs and two pairs of socks inside his running shoes he managed the morning dash around the garden , but realised as each step became stickier and more painful that there was no real hope of the gashes healing while he continued to fulfil the personal fitness goals in his Training Plan .
12 He walked off , shuffling along with his hands tucked deep in his coat pockets and his shoulders hunched and swaying as he moved .
13 He leaned forward with his hands clasped together on the table .
14 Wycliffe was content ; with his hands thrust deep into the pockets of his mackintosh , he watched the crowd , an occupation of which he never tired .
15 Sir Henry de Bohun levelled his lance and charged at the unarmoured king ; but Bruce rose in his stirrups , and with his battleaxe cleft right through the English knight 's helmet and skull .
16 I promptly eased it back onto the lap and desperately tried to imitate someone who has been asleep for hours , with his arm wrapped fiercely round his dog .
17 With his hand pressed firmly to a creased brown , Spencer uttered : ‘ Oh man , if I 'd known you were gon na wear shoes like that , we would n't have been having this conversation … ‘
18 They approached him at a steady pace as though unconcerned by his presence , but they went in single file , Allen with his hand lying lightly on the knife at his belt and Marian carrying her bow , strung , and with an arrow ready notched , lightly and inconspicuously in her left hand .
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