Example sentences of "with the [noun] and [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 I went to church with the bridesmaids and left my daughter alone in the house with her father .
2 Andy Melville was up with the attack and took his chance well .
3 She led with the chin and got her own way most of the time .
4 ‘ Ready ? ’ said Fenella , having helped with the tethering and fastening her cloak more tightly about her shoulders .
5 You should try and work out if any one person seems to carry more weight with the others and address your answers to that person whenever possible .
6 Roberts ' student days coincided with the depression and to finance his studies he had to work at night and on Saturdays in a bakery store .
7 There was no evidence of actual impropriety , you see , but Puddephat admitted he 'd been friendly with the girl and given her extra coaching .
8 But to describe the issue as one which depends on whether or not the bank must be taken to have appointed the husband as its agent to deal with the wife and to procure her consent serves , in my opinion , to mask the basis upon which in certain cases creditors have failed to enforce their security against the third parties and upon which in other cases they have succeeded .
9 Similarly , the trustees can be empowered to convene meetings of the holders in order to acquaint them with the position and to obtain their instructions .
10 The Minister of Culture had strong ties with the Academy and determined its funding .
11 This is the most popular view of the hag — a ugly old crone who is allied with the devil and practises her occult spells to the detriment of mankind .
12 In these ways , and in certain others of less importance which will be referred to briefly , members and the public ( which , for practical purposes , means creditors and others who may subsequently have dealings with the company and become its members or creditors ) are supposed to be able to obtain the information which they need to make an intelligent appraisal of their risks , and to decide when and how to exercise the rights and remedies which the law affords them .
13 Klara is a plump , good- natured woman who shares the duties of travelling with the girls and enjoying their endless tourist trips , although friends doubt if she has yet learned the moves in chess .
14 Eva would often pause on her evening rounds to sit with the girls and share their fun or more serious discussions .
15 When the counsellors were ready , they met again with the king and agreed their proposals .
16 Stick with the discussion and offer your contribution to the group .
17 To celebrate the chorus 's 25 year association with the Festival and to acknowledge their standing as one of the country 's most successful choirs , they perform three of the most ambitious works in the repertoire including Delius ’ A Mass of Life and the Berlioz Grande Messe des Morts .
18 Babur also understands the mild-mannered little men who tolerate their wives ' infidelities for twenty years and then one day they simply leap across the room and strangle her and saw her head off with the breadknife and put her bit by bit down the rubbish disposal , serves the fucking slut right , the sloppy slag trollop .
19 ‘ I should have left with the kings and forgotten my home .
20 The construct system does not just exist but is constantly tested and adapted with a view to perfecting its interaction with the world and improving its competence .
21 ‘ In general terms we want to work with the industry and do our best to build a scheme based on existing systems .
22 So , what I would suggest is that you certainly have a word with the police and draw their attention to it and if anybody listening has parked their car there , do please consider just how safe it is where you 're parking and think of other people .
23 The abbot , Adam Sedbergh , not wanting to be associated with the insurrection and foreseeing its outcome , escaped from the abbey and hid amongst the crags on Witton Fell for several days .
24 Once we have tasted the intimacy of a whole group being with the Father and hearing his voice , there is placed in the believer a hunger for this that will not go away .
25 You had no money on the Monday morning so you would be in with the book and bought your messages .
26 Not in the employer-employee sense , but as the man who was able to walk on stage , argue with the director and get his own way without having to have Noel Coward behind him before he would reinstate lines that someone else had cut .
27 The new father will by that time have realized more fully the extent of his wife 's preoccupation with the baby and resent its unexpected effects on their relationship .
28 On the day after Aquino 's announcement it was reported that 28 congressmen and 22 governors had broken with the LDP and announced their support for Ramos .
29 It destroyed morale throughout the regime , forcing commanders and party chiefs to activate their tribal links with the Mujahideen and save their skins before the time of reckoning .
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