Example sentences of "with a [adv] [vb pp] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Michael Cash snapped Crusaders into the lead with a confidently struck close range drive high into the net in the 19th minute after Stephen Stewart had cruised through in a deadly wing raid .
2 At the time of admission he was in mild congestive cardiac failure , with a mildly raised jugular venour pressure at 3cm but no other evidence of oedema , ascites , or hepatomegaly .
3 They entered so late that Pitt had had plenty of time to prepare to attack them , and his expeditions captured Havana and Manila ; as a result Britain took the Spanish colony of Florida , an area with a loosely defined western frontier lying somewhere a little east of New Orleans .
4 For a quick microwave version : Cover filled pudding basin with a loosely secured microwave-safe plastic film or pleated Bakewell paper tied with string .
5 Ophiomedea duplicata may be mistaken for a juvenile Ophiotrema alberti , it differs from that species by the following characters ; the jaw shape is as wide as long not longer than wide as in O. alberti ; there are fewer oral papillae and oral tentacle scales than in O. alberti , the ventral arm plates are bell shaped with a distinctly widened distal edge , the ventral arm plates of O. alberti being more pentagonal or rectangular with rounded edges and the distal edge indented but not widened .
6 Now you can paint your golf ball with a newly created high-tech chemical which guarantees 30 extra yards .
7 The histological specimens from 1986 are insufficient for analysis of the other patient with a newly developed carcinoid tumour .
8 A model of Michael Hopkins ' design retaining the outer elements of the listed building with a newly designed inner core
9 The cloth will be adorned with a richly embroidered symbolic design .
10 The insurance is normally placed with a well known national insurance company or a company approved by the landlord .
11 But that could be made good , Mendoros reckons , by a joint venture with a well known local aero-engine manufacturer .
12 It was the only health board with a well organised congenital malformation register .
13 For once though Town had the luck … about time to … and they made sure of victory with a well worked second goal from Andy Mutch … scoring against your old team is always sweet … even sweeter when it gives Town a favourites chance of reaching the next round of the cup …
14 Biff Beveridge opened the Quakers account with a well rehearsed short corner goal .
15 We can conveniently begin with a widely drawn cosmological contrast , that between the secure realm of human habitation and activity , and the wild wasteland which surrounds and threatens it .
16 In this study , the new treatment strategy of ‘ anacidity enhanced antibiotic treatment ’ was compared for the first time with a previously evaluated triple therapy regimen ( H pylori eradication rate : 92% .
17 A Sergeant with a crudely reconstructed pink blob of a nose — obviously bitten off at some stage in his professional or previous career — sat at a damascened bronze data-desk stained green with cupreous patina .
18 He placed the ball in the keeper 's left corner with a beautifully controlled right-footed volley , and the keeper was without a chance , rushing over towards his right corner .
19 Everybody 's attention was on the centre of the room , where the IMC logo had been replaced with a densely written virtual document .
20 He took the finest of lines round the trees at the 13th before hitting the green with a perfectly struck long iron for his four and then was in luck at the 14th .
21 Stretch , making the first defence of a title he won more than a year ago when he out-pointed Gary Cooper , caught Wormald with a perfectly timed right hook to the chin .
22 Colombian forward Faustino Asprilla struck the only goal with a superbly placed free kick in the 58th minute against an injury-weakened Milan .
23 Recent studies which used long term recording of colonic motility with a colonoscopically positioned manometric probe , and simultaneous measurement of transit through intraleuminally instilled radiolabelled compounds have provided more detailed information on the relationship of motility to mass movements : ( 1 ) high amplitude propagated contractions ( pressure waves greater than 50 mmHg which are propagated more than 10 cm ) occur infrequently in normal subjects , averaging six per 24 hours .
24 It was not just that he was unversed in Washington mores ; he was also a deeply religious man with a highly developed moral sense .
25 By 1918 North Shields was a clear locale of modern organized capitalism with very large industrial establishments in Smith 's Dock and the docks of the Tyne Improvement Commission , with a highly organized capitalist class , particularly in shipping and in urban development , and with a working class organized around production in trade unions and reproduction through ad hoc organizations , especially around housing .
26 How about this for a cheeky goal … skipper Chris Myers caught Town asleep with a quickly taken free kick
27 Five patients with endoscopically and histologically proved hypertrophic gastropathy ( three men , two women ; age : 52 ( 13 ) years ) , 50 patients with an endoscopically proved duodenal ulcer ( 43 men , seven women ; age : 52 ( 14 years ) , 50 patients with chronic renal failure on regular haemodialysis treatment ( 31 men , 19 women ; age : 52 ( 16 ) years ) , and 28 patients with reflux oesophagitis treated with omeprazole for three months ( 13 men , 15 women ; age : 62 ( 14 ) years ) were investigated .
28 We may guess that a pipe flow with an artificially induced parabolic profile at the entry could remain laminar to even higher Reynolds numbers than flows with a normal entry length .
29 Finally this relationship may simply be fictitious , arising from observations with an inappropriately sized sphygmomanometer cuff ( Ragan & Bordley , 1941 ; King , 1967 ; Maxwell et al , 1982 ) .
30 The intended contrast is between repudiating science because we can not understand how to bring it into harmony with an antecedently given substantive conception of reality , and rejecting our most general scientific theories because they are constantly surprised by experience .
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