Example sentences of "with a [noun] [pron] [verb] and " in BNC.

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1 I tell you , it 's no laugh sharing with a kid what kicks and turns in her sleep week after week . ’
2 It was already late morning , and the red glare of the sun was evaporating away the moisture left by an earlier shower so that the golden roofs of the principal buildings were wreathed with a mist which eddied and flowed under the influence of the heat which rose off the plain .
3 It 's one thing to leave your children with a couple you know and trust , but quite another to have a man you only know through a babysitting circle look after your children for an evening .
4 With words he defers , with a football he crushes and wrecks .
5 Their feelings were intense , and he made love to her with an ardour she met and matched with a fiery passion that consumed them both in a blaze of glory .
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