Example sentences of "with [pos pn] [adj] [noun] and [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The King afterwards explained his sudden decision in a letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury ‘ When I realized how serious the situation both political and financial had become , I felt that it was necessary for me to be in close touch with my Prime Minister and of course he could n't come here . ’
2 I agree with my hon. Friend and with the comments in the article to which he referred .
3 We found Venturous better than ever with her new engines and at fourteen knots was much quieter and free from the old vibration .
4 She did not need to dig deep to know that she would not be satisfied with her old way of life , with her quiet existence and with Glyn .
5 There were but six people on board , all of whom were killed and although the event was duly reported in the press and other media as one might expect , the world proceeded with its normal business and within a few days the matter had receded into the background .
6 The final emancipation of the hand from locomotion and its refined dexterity in handling small objects presented the evolving ego with its greatest opportunity and with its greatest challenge where direction of the manual musculature was concerned .
7 The filmwork has been undertaken by Video Action for the Touring & Recreation Committee and the result is a thoroughly professional film , well edited with its own music and with such techniques as slow motion and freeze frame used where necessary but not excessively .
8 Expansion continued , with the famous Victoria Hotel added in 1862 but it was the intention of the MS & L to reach London with its own line and in 1897 the name Great Central was adopted in time for the opening of the main line to Marylebone in April 1899 .
9 As a member of an ancient noble family , reared with its romantic traditions and in the atmosphere of a grand castle , Earl Archibald had dreamed of knights in armour , battles , crusades and the days of chivalry .
10 Postgraduates can benefit greatly from the presence of the national galleries and museums with their major collections and from the important holdings of art historical literature in the University Library , the National Library of Scotland and in the gallery and museum libraries .
11 ‘ But I know also that , as they continue with their royal duties and with bringing up their children , the Prince and Princess will have the full support , understanding and affection of this House and of the country . ’
12 I know that as they continue with their royal duties and with bringing up their children , the prince and princess will have the full support , understanding and affection of this House and of the country .
13 They could do so again , especially now that they are in conflict not only with the West but also with their own leaders and with their mentors ( and military suppliers ) in Serbia .
14 And with the millions of insects buzzing , crawling , flying and swimming about , all needing to communicate with their own kind and with other associated species , but not with the millions of other creatures , this would seem to be essential to avoid confusion .
15 They believed practicalities like how parents are supposed to know what is happening in the nursery should be clarified , and that there were records available for parents to look at and in some cases contribute to , in connection with their own child and with the nursery in general .
16 At present the fiction that each MP acts on his own judgement and takes a discriminating part in legislation is preserved by insisting that members must be present and pass through the lobbies night after night , though in fact such activity makes no material difference , but seriously impedes MPs in their task of keeping up to date with their special interests and with their constituency work .
17 If they would only return to playing with their undoubted flair and to enjoying the game as they once did .
18 He had private troubles , associated both with his eldest son and with a shortage of money .
19 Jesus fought his battles with his own words and with the words of his Bible , and he sent his disciples out to preach both .
20 For the rest of us , coming to terms with our grey hair and living with it may be a practical way of encouraging us to come to terms with our chronological age and of easing ourselves into a new age group .
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